Monday, January 6, 2020

Mean Girls, directed by Mark Waters - 1221 Words

Today is a day unlike any you have experienced. You get yourself ready and arrive in a territory you could never be fully prepared for. In this new arena, you gaze out upon a vast variety of specimen. Each species holds closely to their kind to such an extent that it is as if the food chain is sprawled out in front of you in perfect balance. As your gaze ascends, it is abrasively obvious who hold the top of this bionetwork. The dominant, carnivorous female stands proudly and walks through the others with her team of hunters following closely behind. All other members of the ecology you have been submerged in part as they walk through, half watch in awe and all hope this leader is not hungry. Today is not your first day in the†¦show more content†¦Teenagers tend to act with abrasive and juvenile behavior, which makes most adults and educators generally ignore behavior issues, so as not to have to deal with them, which only fuels the social jungle of high school. The p rincipal and teachers of the high school in Mean Girls seemed to be turned off to the social realm of their school until a physical fight broke out forcing them to intervene. The knowledge of â€Å"girl world† rules seemed to benefit â€Å"Cady† the most and be both directly and indirectly encouraged by those around her. Knowing that she could only have her hair in a ponytail once a week, could not repeat a tank top two days in a row, that jeans and track pants were only allowed on Friday, and, most importantly, how to properly manipulate everyone around her rose â€Å"Cady† to royalty status making everything else obsolete. When only the â€Å"nerds† and â€Å"art freaks† would accept her with academic success, the entire school would admire her for social success. Social dominance truly seems greater than achieving scholastic achievements in American high schools. Why be the smart gazelle when you can be the strong lioness? Even the best gaz elle, on its’ worst day, is lion food. The typical stereotypes viewed in the American high school ecosystem are labeled and ranked, from the best to the worst, in the movie Mean Girls in order to relate directly to the movie’s audience of teenaged females. On â€Å"Cady’s† first day of school, â€Å"Janis† explains to her that whereShow MoreRelatedMean Girls841 Words   |  4 PagesSugar and Spice is No Longer Nice Mean Girls is a comedy directed by Mark Waters and written by Tina Fey. Cady Heron is the new girl in town who moved from Africa. She instantly makes friends with two teenagers that are nice (Damian and Janis) whom, are considered in the out crowd. After she meets the Plastics (three rude and popular girls), consisting of Regina the leader, Gretchen (Regina’s follower), Karen is considering one of the dumbest people you will meet. 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We can totally gay you over!† Their idea of a gayRead MoreAnalysis Of The Film Baraka And The Daughter Of Keltoum 1211 Words   |  5 PagesThe films Baraka, directed by Ron Fricke, and The Daughter of Keltoum, directed by Mehdi Charef, are two very well done films that give the viewer a glimpse of what it is like to live in different parts of the world. Both directors do an excellent job of capturing an incredible sight for each film while also telling a unique story. The film Baraka, is a documentary that takes the viewer on a fantastic journey around the world. 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Released in 2004, the film relates the life of Cady Heron (Lindsay Lohan) as she attends public school

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