Sunday, December 29, 2019

Active Theory of Television Viewing - 2269 Words

NAME: Simba Elijah Kiage ADM NO: 643419 ASSIGNMENT: A Report on Active Theory of Television Viewing Course: Jnr2223 INSTRUCTOR:Kioko Ireri, Ph.D. SUMMARY PURPOSE Delivered for the fulfillment of a Bachelors Degree in Mass media SCOPE: The Report covers the Active Viewing Theory, its contribution to understanding media effects on audiences documented challenges from research scholars. Presented To: Kioko Ireri, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Journalism amp; Mass Communication Patron, Journalism Club, Journalism Department United States International University-Africa. Introduction This theory finds its roots in Bandura’s 1977’s social learning theory which states that some prim aspects of television programming†¦show more content†¦Julian Rotter (Phares,1972),doesn’t fundamentally agree with Bandura on the instantaneous learning curve but he seems to suggest that learners will only act in accordance with the knowledge they have on what the consequences of their actions will be at any given moment and their beliefs are what govern their specific actions on any subject.(Julian Rotter,p.g.130) Baltes and Reese(1984)support this theory by stating that it is indeed true that individuals learn from their environment and that child psychologists will agree that age coupled highly by environmental factors act as the major influence on development and learning process of a child (Baltes and Reese p.g.514) In this retrospective view, this theory also does find its roots in the Ulric Nasser’s 1967 journal on human psychology where he defines the learning process as a complex integration of observation, long exposure to information, storage and using and reusing (Cognitive Psychology, Ulric Nasser pg.256) which perfectly marries with the Banduras explanation that observation was key to the individuals learning process. Jean Piaget (1936) who was among the first psychologists to make a contribution to cognitive learning and especially in children seemed to also subscribe to the point that children learn from the environment and the eventually gauge what they already know with what the environment offers them (Jean Piaget p.g.125).Although his study wasn’tShow MoreRelatedThe Creation of Digital Media for Adolescents Essay655 Words   |  3 Pagesdevelopment of digital media for children. One could consider that the foundation of children’s digital media content must account for the four stages of child development as stated by, social constructivist, Jean Piaget. By employing active mediation and co-viewing a child’s parents and peers can participate in a child’s experiences; using digital media in the context of learning can facilitate the understanding and processing of content in programming and advertisements. 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