Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Madding Crowd Essay Example for Free

The Madding Crowd Essay Views on women and how the use of vocabulary is used to distinguish between the different classes. When playing Liddy, I identified with Bathsheba and Fanny as I had been used in the hurt in the past because of women exploitation. The book is completely based on Bathsheba; a woman and at that time there was a queen on the throne so perhaps the book is also showing the era of Queen Victoria. I used this knowledge to develop my vocabulary to adapt to the way they spoke in those times. This showed the period of time the book was written in. Moral issues arose and showed how men dominated woman in those times as Bathsheba was an independent woman at the beginning of the book but after Troy abused her she lost her confidence and identifies. She had been de-valued. How does your presentation include references to: Â  The writers style, structure and characterization? Â  The writers use of language? My presentation structure was based on a scene that did not appear in the book. Bathsheba, Fanny and Liddy had come together and discussed the way in which men dominated women. Because our role play was based on three main constant characters, it was easy to know about their backgrounds and personalities as I had already researched them. The book also gave some important information. The vocabulary used was based on the vocabulary in the book and we showed this in our presentation by using some of the text as references. We used a piece of text from the book for Bathsheba to say His voice was unexpectedly attractive; it was the low and dulcet note suggestive of; romance; common in descriptions, rare in experience. We used this for Bathsheba to describe Troy as she said this in the book and we thought it would be more effective if we used the exact text. We also showed how women were exploited in those days by talking of our past and present experiences as our characters revealed their experience of exploitation. This identified with the time of the book when women were being exploited. In what way do you feel your presentation was successful? I think my presentation was quite successful as we based the speech and vocabulary on the text in the book which gave the audience an idea of the time it was written and also made them remember the book. The presentation was based on a script, which helped speech flow easily and make sense. The script also meant if we got lost we could locate our self on the script and carry on or improvise. We did improvise some speech meaning our attention was not always on our script as this would have been quite dull. Movement was also used to make our role play more interesting and effective for the audience to watch. Overall, I think our role play was quite effective in bringing to light woman exploitation as we used the characters past experiences so some of the audience could identify and relate to the book also.

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