Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Capitalism In America essays

Capitalism In America essays Capitalism is the complete separation of economy and state, similar to the separation of church and state. The theory of capitalism is based on the private ownership of the means of production, which would equal a completely uncontrolled and unregulated economy where all land is privately owned, only an aspect of that premise is based on individual rights. Capitalism recognizes that each individual person is the owner of their own life and has the right to live it fully to their on personal manner and long as he doesnt dictate or violate others. The American South had a social system, which was distinct in many ways. There was an economy relative to the region, where class structure and a system of racial difference which caused the South to become unique to the rest of the nation. Historians such as James Henretta have said that Capitalism was the cause of all evil within the American South. American Capitalism defined by Max Weber is a greed forgone, and acquisition by force, ... whether directly in war or in the form [of] exploitation of subjects. This type of lifestyle within a growing nation could not work with the gentry class which was moving into the region unless there was people to do the work on the farms for them. At first there were indentured servants, but this system of work only worked for a limited time as these servants would work their time of servitude and then leave on their own. The American farmer in the south needed more control on their workers and needed to know that they (the workers) werent going to just leave and start up their own farm for themselves. Thus the manipulation of slave labor became the answer for capitalism, and from the use of black slave labor, tension began to rise between the slaves brought from Africa and the landholders of the South. Tension between Slaves and landowners have been strong in the South for many years, and one might say that the cause...

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