Thursday, September 12, 2019

TED talks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

TED talks - Essay Example As a means of understanding the speakers approach, this particular essay will focus upon a brief summary and analysis as well as discussion of the tactics employed by Charlie Todd and seeking to analyze whether the author agrees or disagrees with such tactics and based upon what grounds. It is the hope of this author that such a level of analysis will help the reader to integrate a more solid understanding and integration with the approach that Charlie Todd takes and whether or not such an approach is applicable within society and if so – to what degree. Furthermore, the analysis will seek to determine whether or not Todd’s approach is necessarily right or wrong. Ultimately, Charlie Todd moved to New York City as a means of kick starting an acting career. Seeing that entering the entertainment industry in New York City was much harder than he had anticipated, Todd sought to begin improv performances at various locations throughout New York as a means of integrating such a level of active acting participation directly with society; who he believed were ultimately the target market for any acting that takes place. In such a way, the â€Å"Improv Everywhere† group was born. ... Accordingly, the overall level of passion that Todd brings to the performances is ultimately infectious and helps to engage fellow shareholders within the participatory nature of his improv. A fact that strikes the viewer as odd in an ear that is so typically driven by greed and the level of money that any form of leisure or entertainment can ultimately be defined by. The joining activity which Todd relates to the viewer is ultimately the very crux of the point that he is trying to make. Rather than merely exhibiting a series of funny videos and situations to elicit a few laughs, the participatory nature of the entire experience is, according to Todd, what helps it to all make sense and be funny not only to the onlookers but also to the participants. This strikes at a central issue which helps to differentiate what Todd and his group do as compared to so many comedians within the current system. Whereas the comedian is interested in making people laugh by integrating them with jokes and/or funny situations, Todd’s improv allows both the participant and the recipient of the situation to realize and appreciate the funny and/or amusing aspects of what is taking place. Whereas Todd wanted to begin his career in New York City as an actor integrating with a traditional audience, he relates to the viewer the sudden and rather unexpected means by which this dream transformed in order to reveal his true talents and interest in the improve groups he was able to establish and direct. With regards to an analysis and statement of agreement with regards to the actions undertaken by Charlie Todd, it is the belief of this author that the improv group is ultimately a highly positive idea. Firstly, it allows individuals who would otherwise be hapless bystanders to take an active and

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