Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Freewrite in the Style of Susan Griffins Our Secret Scholarship Essay

Freewrite in the Style of Susan Griffins Our Secret - Scholarship Essay Example It reminds us of our humanity. We weep for a piece of bread at night. Let bygones be bygones, but if I have the soul of a Jew I will never again buy a German car, no matter how much I want a BMW. If I have the soul of a Jew I will never truly understand how we can look at disasters like Haiti and not be one of the people who constitute $396 M in donations to our darker brothers and sisters living on one-half of an island in the Caribbean. If I have the soul of a Jew I will never be able to look back at WWII history and not learn its lessons. The wisdom it teaches us. Freedom is a privilege, not a right. Many of us are yet still not free in this world. Tough times, repeated rhymes. Fourscore and seven years ago becomes a whimper in the background. Even though this life is full of sound and fury and signifying nothing, even though it may start with a bang and end with a whimper, still, this life is magnificent no matter how one slices it. This life is wonderful, no matter what happens, who tries to put you down, or who tries to destroy your good name. Men like myself are like torpedoes. From the inside out we distance ourselves away from others, aiming for the target, to pierce others with our consciousness. Silently we are thinking to ourselves, "And who are we to destroy" But deep within our consciousness lies the subtle fact that we owe our own destinies a shot at finding true meaning and relevance in a rickety world so poorly and yet so magnificently built. Truth was never yet found where darkness is considered king. But all of these days, we consider that man is simply a leave of grass that will be blown away with the summer wind. Nothing satiates our desires more perfectly than finding the right person with whom to share these personal pestilences, these difficulties, these mired-down missions in our petty lives. Nothing. With all of the history we refer back to, we realize that in the shadows, in the darkest recesses of our minds, nothing can compare to the hope we have when we come back and take ownership of our own destinies. Like the wind, we fly. Sincerest victory is not won by sitting idly by the sidelines. We must fight, we must struggle, we must dance to the death, our victory dance. We must realize ourselves. We must self-actualize. Dearly, we hold each other. In the light of each others' arms, we realize our true purpose in life, which is to love and be loved. "Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward."2 Because I have the soul of a Jew, I realize all my mistakes must be remedied by love, kindness, compassion, caring, and understanding. I realize my love must be like an overflowing ocean or river in order to manifest love. Because I have the soul of a Jew, I recognize all human pain and suffering. I will not turn a blind eye to the homeless, the destitute, or those who have needs and problems. My mind is racing. Without love in the world, there can be no great change. Without love in the world, there can be no catharsis. Without love in the world, there can be no healing. Because I see with the eyes of the oppressed, I am more free in my own being. I have more of an ability to identify with the needs of the suffering. I see the problems. I do not ignore them. I will not turn a blind eye to suffering when I see it in my life. When I see others in pain, I will see and do something. I will take action. I will be a force for change. I will do the right thing. I will get involved. I am trying to be the best man I can be. I am trying to be the best human being I can be. With God as my witness, I take an

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