Friday, August 23, 2019

Questionnaire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Questionnaire - Essay Example This trend should be curtailed through effective legal channels. We are looking for 50 participants. The survey shall take you approximately 10 minutes. The results of the survey shall be used with other research methods to analyse the existing status quo of the issue of spouses conspiring to kill partners in order to inherit estates. We hope your response shall assist us in determining the public view of this issue. This shall be a confidential survey: your personal information shall remain private, for which you may sign an undertaking in signature space below. We understand your time is valuable but hope you would be able to complete this survey by February ---, 2012. Pretesting shall be carried out through a small group of 4 individuals from the University to test the validity and ease of completing the survey. The group shall be targeted with 2 males and 2 females, and who have some knowledge on the issue of murder and estate inheritance. The test survey shall be analysed and if any inappropriate questions become evident, those shall be corrected before the launch of the actual survey. The survey shall be set to be conducted through a focussed group of batches of 20 people both through the Internet and through face-to-face interview. Face-to-face survey shall be a good option as it will facilitate authentic response and fast. Any reservations that participants have shall be clarified on the spot by the Administrator. However, realising the sensitivity of the issue, the survey shall also be conducted online by uploading a form whereby the responder can answer questions without apprehension about being found out. Although the Administrator is aware that such a method shall have some deviation in result tabulation, it shall offer diversity in analysis and encourage timid responders to participate in the

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