Saturday, August 17, 2019

Managing Information Essay

Introduction With nearly 40 years’ experience has seen the industry change many times, and has always kept itself at the forefront of that change. Its reputation is a source of pride for all who work here, and it’s something we’re keen to preserve and develop the only way possible: through satisfying our clients. We have developed into a leading multidisciplinary contractor offering a truly comprehensive, integrated service to clients in development, construction, energy and many other sectors. (See appendix 1 for Organisational chart’s of company) My job role within the organisation is quiet a varied one in that my day to day activities are never quite the same, but to summarise my main duties include submitting monthly applications in line with the various contracts worked on for example NEC and JCT to name but a few, attending site progress meetings with a range of clients from the commercial / technical and construction departments, submitting internal applications and working progress, attending internal financial meetings with the Financial Director / Demolition Director and Management Accountant and producing a report with the inclusion of monthly forecasts, attending meetings with Contracts Managers and Estimating director to discuss and produce budget and target sheets, completion of contract sum analysis and end life forecasts which are then discussed and agreed by the Demolition Director, overseeing a wide variety of sub contractors from different construction disciplines used which requires the need to send out tend er packages, raising and awarding sub contract orders, raising of sub contract payments after assessing applications received. All the above assists in the monitoring of various contracts and ensures projects are delivered on time within budget and the client receives maximum satisfaction to secure future work opportunities. 1.0 Understand the Management of Information within the organisation 1.1 Critically assess information flow through a number of different channels within the organisation Throughout the organisation there is various different types of information used which is transferred throughout the organisation in several capacities. Information generally described as below: Production and Operational – Information on assets / quality / standards Financial Information – Profit / Costs / Margins / Cash Flow / Targets Internal Documentation – Purchase Orders / Delivery Notes / Invoices & Applications / Credit Notes / Departmental reports / Department Meetings and minutes / Hire Sheets / Plant Sheets and Information / Allocation Sheets and Plant Returns / Employees Records / Cost Books & Tender Information / Applications and Invoices (Client) All the above is aided with an Integrated Management System ‘This Integrated Management System outlines how Cuddy plans to satisfy the: Quality requirement of ISO9001:2008 (Quality Management System Specification) Health & safety requirements of OHSAS18001:2007 (Occupational Health & Safety Assessment Series 18001) Environmental requirements of ISO14001:2004 (Environmental Management Systems Specification) by operating a framework based on these requirements This Integrated Management System is intended to directly meet the requirements of the following legislation and regulations: Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 – Section 2(3) requires organisations to have a Health & Safety policy which should include: Statement of Intent (i.e. Health & Safety mission) Organisation (i.e. structure, roles & responsibilities) Arrangements (i.e. procedure and guidance) Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999 – Regulation 5 requires organisations to have arrangements for undertaking effective planning, organisation, control, monitoring and review of the preventive and protective health and safety measures. HSG65 Successful Health & Safety Management – This guidance outlines the management system requirements for implementing the arrangements required within regulation 5 of the Management of Health and Safety & Work Regulations 1999. This Integrated Management System will provide the mechanism for managing other legislative, regulatory and other policy requirements (e.g. risk assessment, training, etc).’ Above abstract taken from Cuddy To be read alongside the IMS as an aid is the following: Standard procedures Forms and Guidance Notes Standard Operating Procedures Certificates, Insurances, Licences Policy Statements Standard COSHH and Risk Assessments As touched on there are various different ways in which the information is transferred throughout the organisation with the use of electronic, hard copy and spoken for the various types, all this aids us to capture the different types of hard and soft information we need in order to ensure a project is a successful one. ‘Soft information includes feelings, perceptions, opinions; values on the other hand hard information includes verifiable data and knowledge.’ I have touched on how information is transferred internally and specifically in the office and from a manager’s point of view through various different capacities but haven’t gone into depth how information is transferred to the boys on the front line on site. As I currently see it within the company there is clear breakdown in communication from when we tender and win a job to what information is received on site and in particular how the site personnel are managed on that specific job In relation to what exactly we priced. This I believe is impacting on the duration we are taking to complete the job and impacting on the possibility of making the job as successful as possible, also this may have a negative effect on the company as whole whilst tendering for works in the future. As part of the IMS there are procedures in place (listed below), but neither allows for the manner and information to be transferred to site. To summarise from the information that is transferred needs to be clear, simple and set out in the way in which the site supervisor understands what is required in order to ensure the project is successful. Place for Enquiry, tender and contract review Project Delivery As a brief understanding in reference to specifically the Demolition Department we have an estimating director who will visit the sites which require pricing and produce a cost book document which is passed to the  demolition director and managing director for comment before submitting what they believe to be our most competitive tender and or bid. If we are lucky enough to be successful in winning that specific job the cost book along with the tender information will be passed to the relevant contracts manager and quantity surveyor in order to generate a budget / target sheet and an extent of works sheet. This is when the middle managers have the opportunity to raise any queries regarding the job with the estimating director or the demolition director on what exactly has been allowed and priced for. The next step in the current process is for the tender information to be copied and a site file produced and passed to the supervisor in order to carry out the works. The cost book, target / budget sheet is not passed onto site and this is just for reference between the middle managers and directors of the company for the protection of vital information. Therefore I propose we come up with a procedure that will allow the smooth transfer of information to site and give a clear indication of what exactly has been allowed in the tender. In setting this procedure I hope to bridge the gap between site and the information held at the office, and in doing so hold regular meetings with agendas, minutes disturbed. 1.2 Propose improvements to the flow of information within your area of responsibility, based on your organisational assessment Due to my job role being one in which I try to minimise cost and enhance value you for money, I believe in setting clear and simple targets to the Supervisors on site this will empower them and give them incentives and a clear understanding on what needs to be achieved in order to ensure the job awarded becomes a successful and profitable one. As mentioned previously in the current situation the Supervisors are given the tender information and briefly explained the job but in some senses are left to run the job with open ended targets and no clear sense of direction or management, this is turn is causing jobs to run over and us not maximising profitability. Currently the transfer of information from tender stage stops at the middle managers point. The reasons being for this is due to confidentiality of the information contained within the cost book and target / budget sheet and as managers there is information we do not want the site operatives to see. Therefore the first action in the procedure would be to hold a pre start meeting or  initial meeting or the like on site with the following being in attendance. The reason I have listed the below as typically they will be deciding factor on how well a job goes: Relevant Contracts Manager Relevant Quantity Surveyor Relevant Site Supervisor Within this meeting the job as a whole would be discussed briefly only. In demolition for example it is possible to break a general job up into the following categories: Site set up Asbestos Removal Soft Strip Demolition to top of slab Removal of slabs and foundations Crush material Clear Site As you can see from above generally there are a few different categories of work required to be carried out on a typical demolition job. Therefore I believe we should not choose to discuss the whole job in detail but targets given for each individual work activity only, as if we discuss the job in detail this may cause the supervisor to go into his / her shell and be intimidated before the job has even commenced. Therefore within this procedure it will be broken down into the specific work activities and depending on the size of the job these work activates could even be broken up into phases if need be. For example in the first pre start meeting or initial meeting the general site set up would be discussed and particular what is required in respect of cabins / welfare / heras fencing to name a few items and the location of where we intend to site up site. As it currently stands the contracts manager usually sets up the site but I believe if we have the supervisor on board early doors and allow him to have an input of the set up required / location this will give him a sense of pride and authority that he is in charge of the site. What site set up that’s required usually depends on the size of the site but typically this usually takes a week or longer and under current H&S and CDM Regulations 2007 no works are to commence unless the following are in place: Flushing toilets and running water and drainage systems. Washing Facilities with hot and cold water. Soap or other suitable means of cleaning. Towels or other suitable means of drying. Sufficient ventilation and lighting. Sinks large enough to wash face, hands and forearms. Drinking Water. Changing rooms and lockers. Rest Facilities and heating. After initial site set up has been completed another progress meeting will be held on site with a specific target laid out for the work activity in question. Generally on a demolition site Asbestos Removal usually has to take place before we can commence soft strip depending on what type of asbestos and in line with the specific site asbestos report in place. But for example if we take the job as a linear project and the soft strip cannot commence until after the asbestos, then within this meeting we discuss in length the asbestos removal and set a clear target with the input from the supervisor. Typical of example of this target could be again depending on size of the site but take for arguments sake we take it as the site is split up into 5 phases. Phase 1 -10 Men x 6 Weeks Phase 2-5 Men x 3 Weeks Phase 3 -8 Men x 5 Weeks Phase 4 -8 Men x 2 Weeks Phase 5 -6 Men x 6 Weeks The groundwork will put in by the middle managers to ensure the target above is in line with the cost book and or target / budget sheet, and in line with this procedure it will attempt to set it out as basic as possible in order to attempt to take as much pressure off as possible. Weekly progress meeting will be held after the initial meeting in order to reflect on the previous week’s activity. Within this meeting it will be an opportunity for the supervisor to assess his performance and the performance of his team on site, in doing so will be a self appraisal tool for the supervisor without knowing. It will also give the middle managers an update of current position in respect of the targets set out and give an opportunity to amend or change  anything that is not quiet working correctly and keep the things that are. The meetings will continue on a weekly basis with clear targets and open and frank discussions with input from all parties to create a sense of a team as I beli eve this will help with the running of the job. Constant communication will be held throughout on a daily basis to ensure all parties are aware of constant ongoing on site. When works have been completed the final action in the procedure would be to have a post contract meeting again with all parties where all the information is discussed /analysed / targets reviewed and the like. This will be handy in going forward and used as a tool to gather date / information. This information could be fed back to the estimating director and demolition director in order to have the full circle should a similar job arise in the future. The above will be written out in a clear procedure therefore should someone leave the company, or the job being transferred to someone else then everyone will be aware what is required of them. See Appendix 4 for proposed new Procedure By putting in place the above procedure it will aid with spoken, electronic and hard information and the transfer of. Spoken – Due to the nature of the procedure it encourages the daily dialogue between managers and the site supervisors. Hard Copies – Agendas and Minutes will be taken of all meetings taken placed, which will be updated electronically and distributed accordingly. Electronic – Targets will be collated and circulated, along with copy of the minutes. 2.0 Gather and Analyse information to make decisions to solve problems in your area of responsibility 2.1 Collect information from a wide range of sources to support management decision-making Site Managers / Supervisors Verbal examples from site managers / supervisors stating that the lack of information in respect of the scope / tender inclusions is having a negative impact on the overall performance of our jobs. As mentioned this is transferred verbally therefore we will have to take into account of its reliability and validity. As mentioned previously there is a clear breakdown in the flow of information  from when we price and win a job to the information passed onto site and the management of that information in order to make the job as successful as possible. This is readily backed up from verbal conversations with the site supervisors themselves who are unsure of what the extents of works are and the possible impact this is having on the duration of the projects? Specifically within the Construction Industry as a manager the below is at the forefront of every decision we make. The triangle illustrates the relationship between three primary forces in a project. Time is the available time to deliver the project, cost represents the amount of money or resources available and quality represents the fit-to-purpose that the project must achieve to be a success. But ultimately the decisions we make from site level up the chain to the managing directors determine the outcome. Below is evidence that everyone makes decisions. Above it shows the impact and importance of decisions with regards to the Cuddy Group it is possible to split the three groups up into the following: High Value -Managing Directors and Directors Medium Value-Middle Managers e.g. Contracts Managers and Quantity Surveyors Low Value-Site Managers and Site Personnel Quiet often when making a decision we use past knowledge in order to aid and assist us. Past knowledge or the information that is generally contained within the brains of individuals is generally known as tacit knowledge. This knowledge is continually getting updated and revised depending on learning, experiences and insight. There are various different types of knowledge and this is summarised in various models. One of the widely accepted approaches to summarising knowledge management is the Nonaka & Takeushi, (see appendix 9 for web location) Below are a couple of diagrams showing the matrix. Nonaka & Takeuchi model the process of organisational knowledge creation as a spiral in which knowledge is amplified through these four modes of knowledge  conversion. Quote taken from class notes. Along with the specific project management matrix / flow and knowledge diagrams there is general management information available that will aid in decision making see below. Reliability and Validity Model (see appendix 9 for web location) Knowledge Classifications Model (see appendix 9 for web location) Good decisions make good projects, so what makes a good decision (and, hence, a good project)? The answer is, one that’s well planned. But then you run into the question of how long the decision-making process should take. Well, the last thing we need is a new formal methodology for decision-making—nothing would ever get done. That’s why I’d like to propose several useful rules you can apply to decision-making: Consider the importance of the decision. To determine the importance of a decision, ask yourself: What are the consequences for both the project and for you? In reality, how urgent is the decision? (Note that there’s a difference between important and urgent.) Ask yourself if there are more options. In other words, if you’re choosing between three options, ask yourself if there’s also a fourth option. Think about stakeholders’ opinions. Have you listened to the opinions of stakeholders in the decision? You should. Even though they may not like your ultimate decision, they’ll have to live with it. Concede the fact that you’re going to make some irrational decisions. We often make decisions almost by reflex, using a combination of experience, data analysis, gut feelings, fear, personal preference, and peer pressure. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t take into account your sense of self-preservation, the views of your team, or your recollections about why a previous project caused you grief. You just need to be aware that each new situation demands a clear point of view and a fresh decision; otherwise, the same mistakes will recur. Remember that even some small choices can have big consequences. Don’t underestimate the possibility that major consequences could result from seemingly insignificant choices you make along the way. Along with the information above collated from the web I have also read the following text books / Management books. NLP Pocketbook (see appendix 10) Engaging Employees, A practical guide for busy leaders & managers (see appendix 10) Both books aid management and in particular with decision making. In respect of the NLP Pocketbook it produmitaly focus on yourself and your actions, It works on a SMART goal setting strategy. SMART goal setting is Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic and within a defined Time Frame. SSpecific and positive M Measurable and meaningful to you AAchievable and covering all areas of your life, stated in the present tense as if you have achieved it now RRealistic and right for you  TTimes and targeted, towards what you want. In addition to SMART goal setting, NLP incorporates a process called ‘creating a well-formed outcome. Creating a well-formed outcome involves asking a series of questions that will help you clarify your goal. They will help you to ascertain how important the goal is to you, how (if necessary) to revise it and make it more achievable. Well –formed outcome questions: Is the goal stated positively? What do you want? (Eg, wanting to increase company profits rather than a statement about reducing the loss) Can you start and maintain the process of achieving the goal by yourself, and keep it in your control? Does the goal include all the senses? How will you know you have achieved it? What will you feel, see and hear when you have achieved it? What will other people fee, see and say when you have achieved it? Is the context clearly defined? How long will it take? Who will be involved? Where will it take place? How will it be achieved? When do you want it? Have you checked that it is ecological or meaningful for you, ie is it worth the investment in time and money? Does the outcome fit in with your life and who you are? Does the goal keep those aspects of the present situation you want to preserve, ie are there positive elements you wish to maintain? Does it identify the resources you need – those you already have  or those you need to acquir e? What first step must you take? What are the next steps? Abstract directly taken from the NLP Pockebook. But in contrast to the above the Engaging Employees, A practical guide for busy leaders & managers text book focuses predominately on how to get the best out of your team. See contents page taken from the text book to back this up. Is starts with you Planning to communicate Understanding your audience Engaging people in change Face to face matters Team meetings; getting it together High Impact presentations Checking you’re getting through Effective email – at last The write stuff. 2.2 Analyse the information collected from a wide variety of sources, to inform decision-making Project Management Models When project managing a job in construction there are various different types of models that we are able to follow some of which I have given examples of but ultimately the primary focus specifically within the construction industry is the triangle between the three primary forces. Delivering the job on time, within budget to a high standard. Decision making model With the triangle in mind we all have to make decisions of variable impact and volume as is set out in the decision making model. With this in mind managing information and the decisions we make are key. ‘By not making a decision you’re making a decision to not make a decision’ taken from the ILM class notes. The decisions we make as a business ultimately determines how successful the outcome is, and in particular the flow of information within the company to aid our decision making is critical. Therefore before we make  any decisions we have to take into account the impact of the decisions we are making. Nonaka & takeuchi model When making a decision we usually take into account past experiences / doing otherwise defined as Tacit Knowledge. Under the Nonaka & Takeuchi model it explains the relationship and how we can turn Tacit Knowledge into Explicit knowledge which can be readily transmitted to others. Most common forms of explicit knowledge are manual, documents and procedures in our organisation we can relate to the ILM system and the various procedures in place. Please see below which makes good reading. The patent had attempted to be bought by a buyer in other words the tacit knowledge had attempted to be turned into explicit knowledge but due to it possibly not being documented correctly or the manner in which it was presented not being explained correctly it failed. Therefore the tacit knowledge that had been turned into explicit knowledge was little or no use to the buyer. We must bare this in mind if we are relying too heavily on explicit knowledge and in particular how reliable the knowledge is? In the same sense it’s possible to categorise Wikipedia as explicit knowledge but we have to take into account the source and what past experience or where the information originated from before using it to make a decision. ‘Bessemer steel process — Bessemer sold a patent for his advanced steel making process and was sued by the purchasers who couldn’t get it to work. In the end Bessemer set up his own steel company because he knew how to do it, even though he could not convey it to his patent users. Bessemer’s company became one of the largest in the world and changed the face of steel making.[15]’ Measuring Validity and Reliability model When gathering information to make a decision we must take in the validity and reliability of what we looking to achieve. Especially within the construction industry there is specific ways in which to measure or calculate something and this can be best described as the below. Reliability Reliability refers to how consistent a measuring device is. A measurement is said to be reliable or consistent if the measurement can produce similar  results if used again in similar circumstances. For example, if a speedometer gave the same readings at the same speed it would be reliable. If it didn’t it would be pretty useless and unreliable. Importantly reliability of self-report measures, such as psychometric tests and questionnaires can be assessed using the split half method. This involves splitting a test into two and having the same participant doing both halves of the test. If the two halves of the test provide similar results this would suggest that the test has internal reliability. In respect of validity this refers to the extent of what we are measuring and what we hope to measure. Validity This refers to whether a study measures or examines what it claims to measure or examine. Questionnaires are said to often lack validity for a number of reasons. Participants may lie; give answers that are desired and so on. It is argued that qualitative data is more valid than quantitative data. Both the reliability and validity have categories in themselves in which we can use to measure if they are achieving what we set out to achieve. To summarise we need to be mindful if we are using specific data or gathered information if it’s reliable and valid in terms of what we are hoping to achieve and fit for purpose. Information to Knowledge Management With respect of the next model it gives us an insight of how the ever evolving computer industry and in particular the capacity to store and distribute data / information is enabling personnel learning and also the capacity to make correct decision in going forward. Given an example that is relevant to the Cuddy group is the below. We are able to save / store and distribute raw facts and figures on a particular job and in doing so we are able to see if a job was successful in respect of profit? We then can move  on to give meaning to the obtained data in respect of information and give reasons why that job was successful? We then can analyse the derived information and understand what we did well on that job. This will then give us the wisdom going forward to know what to do for the best on other jobs. As mentioned evolving technology is aiding us with the transfer and storing of this information and aiding us with the capability of personnel learning. There are various examples and models that differ slightly some of which I have given examples but all cover the above. General Management Tools As the assignment is targeted at middle managers I have looked into the impact that decisions have and what to consider before making decisions? As a rule the following applies: Consider the importance of the decision Ask yourself if there are more options Think about stakeholders opinions Concede you’re going to make some irrational decisions Remember that even small choice have big consequences I also looked into how SMART goal setting and how to engage with employees. 2.3 Use this analysis of information to make and justify a management decision Using the analysis and the information collated along with the procedure I believe this will better the flow of information throughout the company. The triangle The procedure will aid with delivering the job on time within budget and to a high standard. Delivering the job on time – By having weekly meetings on site and the constant daily dialogue this should enable any problems to be caught at an early stage and thus giving time to nip in the bud the potential to impact on progress and in particular the end date which quiet often is key to a job being a successful one from a clients point of view. Within Budget – Due to the procedure allowing for a review of the target v actual on a weekly basis this will enable weekly monitoring of the budget to ensure everything is on track, atm there if only an allowance of monthly reporting and it’s possible for any job to change dramatically from month to month. High Standard – Again as the procedure allows for the contracts  manager / quantity surveyor to visit site at least once a week with the supervisor having chance to put his / hers views across together this should r aise standards. Decision making model In reference to the procedure this will reiterate the fact that everyone makes decisions especially as minutes will be keep, actions assigned and closed out as and when this occurs. Nonaka & Takeuchi Model With the procedure in place it will allow for smoother transfer of tacit knowledge into Explicit Knowledge. This will be done by taking minutes; monitoring progress against targets and reporting this information back to directors / managing directors in order to have the full cycle. Validity and Reliability Under the procedure progress meetings will be held on site this will allow us to audit and monitor the reliability and the validity of the information we are being told by the site manager / supervisor. This will be used as a checking tool before information is transferred around the company to directors and managing directors alike. Knowledge Management With the procedure set in place where minutes are taken / targets are monitored it will allow for us to save / store and distribute raw facts. Also with the weekly minutes we will be to give meaning to the obtained data for example why we missed out specific targets? Why we bettered targets? From this then we can analyse the information and understand how and why? This will then enable us to make the correct decisions in going forward. Along with the analysing the above models and information, I have taking account of why from a managers point of view why the procedure in place will aid with the running of jobs on site and the transfer of information. With regards to the current situation of producing the cost book that is translated to a target / budget sheet, this information will be little or no use to the supervisor for a number of reasons listed below: Information Overload – Due to the nature of the document this may cause confusion in the way the document is set out, therefore as set out in the procedure by breaking things the whole job down into specific tasks this will more than  likely take the pressure off and give a clear understanding of what is required and expected off of them. This is likely to make them less intimated and more confident as if they are clear More hands on and practical – The academic level of a supervisor generally is not the same as what we would normally expect from a middle manager in that the cost book / target and budget sheet will not be fit for purpose if passed onto the supervisor, therefore the information should be broken down so it is easily understood. Team ethos – As it currently stands the information is passed to the supervisor with no clear direction and management give, therefore by employing the proposed procedure this will then bridge the gap and increase the we are in it together approach. Why will meetings be held face to face? Sense of Importance – By making the effort to travel to site, as typically our sites are all of the United Kingdom then this will instil into the supervisor the confidence he needs in that he got your support should he need it. Ability – may not be able to use the computer therefore face to face will enable supervisors to have an opportunity to contribute their input without feeling intimidated Sense of importance – By holding the meetings face to face this will enable them to feel like they got you in their corner and in doing so should create a clear divide from site operatives to supervisors. Meetings more personnel – Generally meetings face to face are more personnel and can be structured better with agendas / minutes and the like assisting Why will the supervisor in respect of the site operatives be the only site member to be part of the meeting? Clear level of management between site operatives / supervisors and middle managers – This will empower the site supervisors and in doing have a clear barrier between the site operatives and himself. Self Worth – It will also give the site supervisor the self worth and mutual respect between himself and the middle manager, hopefully this should increase productivity as he is likely to want to do more for the middle manager if he believes he has the respect. Respect earns respect! Company generally uses agency Labour – As touched on previously due to the company operating throughout the company there is the need to employ agency labour, by having weekly meetings with the supervisor in attendance again this is creating a clear structure. How the meetings should be conducted? Ability – plenty of discussions questions to ensure supervisor gets points you’re making. Allow supervisor to have their say and input – By asking questions this will allow supervisor to have their say and input. Informally rather than formally, don’t want supervisor to feel under spotlight – Due to the nature of the construction industry and especially on site it is rather informal, therefore if the meetings are held in the same manner this should enable the middle line managers to get the most out of the supervisors. From analysing the various different models and combining with general middle management responsibilities I believe the procedure I have put in place will significantly help with the transfer of information from site to board level alike. 3.0 Disseminate information on a management decision, through the right organisational channels 3.1 Communicate information to team member or other colleagues to meet business objectives, using appropriate organisational channels In reference to the procedure set up this should allow for the constant communication of how a specific job is performing from site level to the board of directors and in particular through the correct organisational channel. To elaborate on the above; Site Supervisors will have constant dialogue with middle managers on a daily basis, with a weekly progress held on site to discuss performance. Munities of the meeting with be typed up and performance analysed with knowledge added to explain how performance is operating? Are we going to hit our target? Be on time? Within budget? To name a few of the questions answered? This will then in turn be disrupted to the relevant director, finance director and the management accountant. This will then be discussed on weekly basis in the departmental weekly progress meeting, and the fortnightly Trading Review meeting with finance with the relevant directors. This in turn then can be reported back to the MD by the relevant directors when board level meeting happens. As you can see from the procedure put in place we will allow for the reporting from site to board of directors level to be on a weekly basis rather than a monthly as is currently in place, this in turn will give us every opportunity possible to achieve the best possible  outcome in respect of the construction triangle. Delivering the job on time, within budget to a high standard. 3.2 Communicate information to stakeholders or customers to meet business objectives In reference to the procedure as mentioned previously this will allow for the constant flow of information from site to managing directors (stakeholders) to be done on a weekly basis. In respect of customers or clients quiet the construction triangle is key, therefore by having weekly progress meetings this information will be able to be fed back to the client, giving them the confidence that we are putting their needs first ‘the customer is always right ethos’

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