Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Solutions For The Youth Violence - 1520 Words

Solutions to Our Youth Violence Gang and youth violence has become a seemingly unfixable issue in countries around the globe. Zooming in on America, the U.S government has made efforts to keep gang violence under control through the try and failed method of mass imprisonment and also placing more policemen in affected neighborhoods to patrol the streets. Not only did the government help expand gang networks in prisons by using these tactics, but these â€Å"solutions† also made the youth living in harsh circumstances, such as poverty, feel the need to create a resistance identity to fight back against criminalization. Little did officers and police officials know that they were actually contributing to the institutionalization of gangs and making the violence worse. In essence, through years of attempts of trying to at least keep the situation under control, it has gotten worse. Now that it has become apparent that gang violence is not getting better, three authors have tak en initiative to propose possible solutions. Is there even an effective solution to the youth and gang violence? Dave Grossman, the author of Killing In America, What Are We Doing to Our Children, believes that our youth is being desensitized by the media. In particular, Grossman believes that through exposure to violence through movies and video games, our youth is being classically conditioned to enjoy violence. He states that this behavior starts off â€Å"innocently†(Grossman 312) with cartoon programsShow MoreRelated Possible Solutions to the Youth Violence Problem Essay1547 Words   |  7 PagesPossible Solutions to the Youth Violence Problem The birds are chirping, the sun is beaming down through the clouds, and you can hear the shrieks of excitement from the neighborhood park. Walking down the street, you envision raising your family on this picture-perfect street. 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Several factors are youths brought up in poverty stricken and gang infested neighborhoods, exposure to drugs, violence, physical, mental, and emotional abuse, no parental guidance and neglect. A large number of these children commit violent crimes and more than 700,000 are a part of gangs. 40 percent of the juveniles whoRead MoreProblems and Solutions to Violence in Schools Essay1239 Words   |  5 PagesViolence is a very important issue that is coming to the front in todays school systems. School violence is a `complex social policy problem and is considered very complicated and hard to define. My paper is on school violence and the methods in which the government and schools can provide support and/or programs to help stem the recent rash of incidents. These steps include: use of `less violent materials, peer mediation interventions, police presence and action, individualizing of the troublemaker(s)Read MoreThe Relationship between Video Games and Youth Violence811 Words   |  3 Pagestheorized that violence in video games have contributed to violent outbreaks of behavior in real life. Violent video games have been a political issue since the early 1980s; however, people forget to look at how people of all ages spend their free time playing these games for entertainment. 97% of 12-17 year olds in the US played video games in 2008, thus fueling an $11.7 billion domestic video game industry. In 2008, 10 of the top 20 best-selling video games in the US contained violence. Video gamesRead MoreYouth Violence: Identify the Cause and Work Towards Prevention1494 Words   |  6 Pagesdictionary, Violence is the exertion of physical force so as to injure or abuse. 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