Friday, November 8, 2019

Germans essays

Germans essays The German society is alomst as the American society is, but there are some differences between those two cultures. Germans spend their money for traveling all over the wolrd, the Americans (which isnt quite the right expression for people who live in the US, because there are a lot more people, who live in America) spend their money for their freetime... they buy more stuff that is more fun. The drivers license is a lot more cheaper in the US, the Autobahn is better than the highway, because its more fun. And no, their is not just one Autobahn in Germany, there are a lot of Autobahns. The freedom the people from the US have, because its written down in the constitution doesnt really exist. You are bind to your parents for al ong time...longer then 18 years. You arent allowed to drink till youre 21, you cant have your girlfriend spend the night at your house, also if you are 18 ...but youre supposed to be an adult with 18. whats the problem over there? ...A lot of parents make their children go to church...why? ...dont you have the riht to choose your own religion...and you should be old enough with 17 or 18 to decide weather to go to church or not... you parents dont want you to have sex...but you are adult and can make up your own mind... its really strange. There are also lots of things in Germany that suck, but I wont mention them yet. ...

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