Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation Essay

Abstract CBSE has introduced Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) in standard IX and X from 2009. CCE refers to system of school based evaluation of a student that covers all aspects of a student development. It emphasizes continuity in evaluation and assessment of broad based learning and behavioural outcomes on the other. Effectiveness of CCE depends on teachers positive attitudes towards it. Hence, this paper studies the attitude of social science teachers towards CCE at secondary level in relation to their gender, area and teaching experience. The study was descriptive in nature. An Attitude Scale towards CCE developed by Investigator, having forty items was administered to the respondents to determine the subjects’ attitude towards CCE. All the social science teachers, teaching at secondary level in West District of Sikkim constituted the population of the study. Fifty social science teacher comprising male and female, rural and urban and less than and above eight years o f experience were selected as a sample of the study. Two to four social science teachers were selected at random from the sampled institutions. Mean, Standard Deviation, t-test, Quartile Deviation were applied to measure and compare the attitude of social science teachers towards CCE. The analysis of the data revealed that the majority of the social science teachers possess positive attitude towards CCE. It was found that there was no significant difference in attitude towards CCE between the female and male social science teachers. Teacher working in rural secondary schools were found same attitude towards CCE as compared to the teachers working in urban schools. It uncovered the fact that the teachers having less than eight years of experience are equally committed and possess positive attitude towards CCE as compared to the teachers having more than  eight years of experience. The in- depth qualitative study should be conducted to investigate variable affecting attitude of social science teachers at secondary level. Key words: Attitude, social science teachers, continuous and comprehensive evaluation, secondary level. INTRODUCTION The main aim of education is to bring holistic development in the learner. Through education all individuals can achieve greatness and become responsible and productive citizens. Since time immemorial lots of efforts have been given to impart quality education to the younger generation considering them as nation assets but outcomes were always remain questionable. System gave more impetus for transmitting the information but less importance on understanding the need of learner. System emphasizes more on cognitive development of the learner, but for any student to fulfil his her potential, timely and proper assessment is even more imperative as only after this is done can proper guidance be given on how to move forward, improve, develop different facets of personality, polish rough edges, till the finished product emerges like crystals. Comprehensive, proper and timely assessment is lacking in today’s system which values and indeed glorifies learning by rote. Keeping in view of need of quality education, recently new initiative has been done in the field of evaluation, focussing to decrease the accumulated stress of board exams on the students and to introduce a more uniform and comprehensive pattern in education for the children all over the nation. Concept of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation is a process of determining the extent to which the objectives are achieved. It is not only concerned with the appraisal of achievement, but also with its improvement. As testing, evaluation is also concerned with identification of learning experiences and educative environment to produce changes in the learner’s behaviour. It involves information gathering, information processing, judgment forming, and decision-making. Effective implementation of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation is depending on teachers’ attitudes as they are the key person in the transmission and implementation of the system. Teacher is instrumental for better assessment of the students. He is required to have a higher degree of interest to accept the innovation in education because of changing circumstances. A good teacher is expected to be committed to his work and have the ability to take the initiative (Sparks, 1979). The teachers did not know anything about the preparation of the blue print; they were also ignorant about the objectives of unit wise teaching (Tewari 1975) shows their unfavourable attitude towards teaching and evaluation. As Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation is the new initiatives in education substantial majority of the teachers seemed to think that it promoted creativity, analytical ability, regularity and command over the subjects by students, teachers responded positively to the continuous evaluation system (.Rao and Bharathi, 1989). Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation enable teacher and students to make judgments about the work undertaken; to identify their knowledge, attitudes and skills, and to understand the changes that have occurred in these; and to increase their ability to assess their learning and performance. CCE not only helps in awarding grades and certificates but also helps teachers to diagnosis learning difficulty of the learner. Continuous evaluation would help the subject teachers to diagnose the deficiencies in their students so that they could adopt appropriate corrective measures at the appropriate time (Rao, 1982). CCE helps to teacher to ascertain the learning difficulties among the learner but it depends on their ability and attitude to use different types of tools and techniques. (Thangamani, 1989) found the teachers working in Madurai city higher secondary schools positive attitude towards oral examination as a diagnostic device. Continuity of assessment from the first day of school is the prime motive of CCE rather than sole depend on summative evaluation. Conventional evaluation system was emphasized on summative evaluation only. Traditional evaluation system facilitates more rote learning, classify of pupils based on division and marks rather than creativity, social and emotional development. Whereas, CCE (Pareek, P.L. 1986) scheme does not like examination; seek to classify  the pupils into classes or divisions but aims essentially at their all-round improvement or development. Assessment is done from time to time with the aim of discovering the extent of their progress, their strengths and weaknesses and then to take on that basis necessary steps to bring about the desired growth. This scheme promotes healthy student teacher parent relationship by giving them continuous and necessary feedback at frequent intervals to both teachers and parents. People’s attitudes towards new approach have an effect on implementation. It is also valid for new approach of evaluation system i.e., Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation. The quality of education is directly related to quality of evaluation. Teacher is expected to not only to master the subject and various methods of teaching but also to show that he is capable of selecting the various study materials according to the teaching goals and varied group of pupils. He also possesses the potentials to create a learning environment for the students (Vermont and Verschaffel, 2000. The success of a curriculum depends on its transactional strategies and the skills of teachers in reading to students (Pandey, 2000). They have to plan how to arrange remedial teaching for low and slow achievers to bring them on an equal footing with their peers. The teachers are required to use the educational technology to the maximum and continuous and comprehensive evaluation frequently. CCE implies not only a change in evaluation practices in the classroom but also a paradigm shift in the autonomy and responsibility of teachers. Teachers are supposed to update him/ her with the latest knowledge to cope up with the need of the time. Teachers’ lack of sense of responsibility and unfavourable attitude cannot bring any changes in evaluation system which was found (Rao Manjula, 1998; 2001; 2002) that Evaluation practices carried out in schools are still conventional in their nature and purposes. The personal and social qualities are totally ignored due to lack of awareness of what to be evaluated and how to evaluate. Assessment of wrong things or the same range of things too often is carried out. One doesnâ €™t get a fair and realistic picture of what students have actually mastered. (Smita, 2002) CCE demands that the teacher should change her strategies on the basis of the outcomes continuously and tailor them to the needs of individual children. The principal and the teachers should develop an action plan indicating the scheme of evaluation, identifying the task and role of  different activities and their time schedule, mode of implementation and feedback mechanism along with remediation strategies (Rajput and Kumar, 2003). Unfavourable attitude of teachers towards Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation can make the effect of scheme more badly than the conventional evaluation system. (Rao and Rao, 2008) the teachers were found to be recording mechanically by simply putting tick against each student to satisfy the supervising and inspecting authorities. Without the dedication and positive attitude towards the CCE the aim of the scheme can not be accomplished. NEED OF THE STUDY Continuous and comprehensive evaluation necessitates the use of multiple evaluation techniques and tools in addition to certain conventional ones. This is required because different specific areas of pupil growth need different types of evaluation through certain techniques. The teacher has to select the most appropriate technique for a situation and develop the necessary tools for the same, and decide upon the periodicity and timing of evaluation. As a social science teacher, he/she should have Knowledge and ability to construct assessment tools that are criterion based appropriate for assessing the competencies. Social science teacher at secondary level are dealing with the adolescence learner so they are expected to require knowledge, skills of evaluation, commitment, and assistance to provide remedial teaching. Teacher should have favourable attitude to use new innovation in evaluation system. This study therefore seeks to provide some insight into the attitude of social science teachers from some randomly selected secondary and senior secondary schools in West District of Sikkim towards Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation. The study was delimited to West District and only Government schools of Sikkim. Objectives The objectives of the study were: 1. To study the attitude of Secondary Social Science Teachers towards the CCE, 2. To study the difference between male and female Secondary Social Science teachers attitude towards CCE, 3. To study the difference between rural and urban Secondary Social Science teachers attitude towards CCE and 4. To study the difference in teachers attitude towards CCE between the teachers having more than and less than 8 years of teaching experience. Research Questions /Hypothesis The research question and hypotheses were: 1. Whether there is any attitudinal variation among the secondary social science school teachers towards CCE? 2. There exists no significant difference in attitudinal score between male and female teachers towards CCE. 3. There exists no significant difference in attitudinal between urban and rural social science teachers towards CCE 4. There exists no significant difference in attitudinal score between social science teachers having less than and above eight years of experience towards CCE. METHOD The present study was undertaken using the survey method. SAMPLE The investigator selected about 50 secondary social science teachers from the secondary and senior secondary schools of west district, Sikkim on random selection basis as the target group of the study. The distribution of the sample selected for the study were twenty seven female and twenty three male social science teachers of which only twelve were from urban schools and thirty eight were from rural school again from the same sample twenty three teachers were having less than eight years and twenty seven were having above eight years of teaching experience. TOOLS In the study of attitude, the investigator constructed the attitude scale for assessing the attitudes of social science teachers towards CCE at secondary level. There were forty statements in the scale having thirty three positive and seven negative statements. It was constructed in five point scale ranging from Strongly Agree, Agree, Undecided, Disagree and Strongly Disagree. Maximum weightage to each statement was five. So, the maximum score of the scale was 200 and minimum was 40. DATA COLLECTION Researcher personally contacted all the respondents and administered attitude scale to collect the data. Clear instructions were prepared for the respondents. They were requested to go through the general instructions first and then to respond. The respondents were asked to decide about their agreement with the statements and mark the relevant response honestly on the given space. Attitude scale and personal information sheet were distributed to subjects with the request to complete and return it as soon as possible. The measurement of attitudes of these groups and the comparisons therefore were undertaken to find out the differences in the attitude of different groups. The comparison were aimed at locating the differences in the attitude towards CCE affected by the variable a) gender, b) the area of residence rural and urban , and c) teaching experience- less than and more than eight years of teaching experience. STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES AND PROCEDURE OF ANALYSIS The investigator used Quartile Deviation to find out the total attitude score of the subjects and t test to make comparisons between the variable like male: female, urban: rural and below eight years: above eight years of teaching experience. Research Question-1 Whether there is any attitudinal variation among the secondary social science school teachers towards CCE? For the analysis of Research Question 1 Investigator categorized the score with quartile deviation. Categorizations are as follows: Score up to 145 = Marginal attitude, 145-159 = moderate attitude and above 159 = highly favourable attitude. Result found that 24% fall under marginal attitude, 52% moderate attitude and 24% highly favourable attitude. Hypothesis-2 There exists no significant difference in attitudinal score between male and female teachers towards CCE. To establish if teachers’ gender has influence  on their attitude towards CCE at secondary level the t-test statistics was utilized to test the hypothesis as shown Table II below. Table 1 show that the calculated t’value 0.62 is less than the critical value 2.01 at 0.05 level of significance. This indicates that the difference in the attitudes of Male and Female Teachers towards CCE is not significant hence Ho is accepted. It revealed that male and female social science teachers are having equally positive attitude towards continuous and comprehensive evaluation. There is no influence of sex on the attitude of social science teachers towards CCE. Hpothesis-3 There exists no significant difference in attitudinal score between urban and rural social science teachers towards CCE. Table 2 shows that the calculated t’value 0.77 is less than the critical value 2.01 at 0.05 alpha level of significance. This indicates that the difference in the attitudes of Urban and Rural Teachers towards CCE is not significant hence Ho is accepted. It revealed that social science teachers from urban schools are having same attitudes towards CCE as rural school social science teachers possess. Further, it can be said that on the basis of location of school attitudes of teachers can not be influence and make differences towards continuous and comprehensive evaluation. Hypothesis-4 There exists no significant difference in attitudinal score between social science teachers having less than and above eight years of experience towards CCE. Table 3: Shows that the calculated t’value 0.63 is less than the critical value 2.01 at 0.05 alpha level of significance. This indicates that the difference in the attitudes of social science teachers having less than and above eight years of teaching experience towards CCE is not significant hence Ho is accepted. It revealed that experience is not the factor to make attitudinal difference towards continuous and comprehensive evaluation but teacher’s enthusiasm, interest may make the difference. Further, it can be said that experienced teachers and fresh teachers are equally capable to make CCE successful and should be given equal responsibility to carry out the task. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS The result of the study revealed that the proportion of Social Science teachers who had scored above 159 out of 200 points was 24%, 145-159 was 52 % and 120-144 was 24%. . This indicates that 24% social science teacher’s attitude were highly favourable attitude, 52% teachers’ moderate positive and 24 % teachers’ marginal positive. Teachers’ attitudes have important implication for effective implementation of CCE in the school. In the area of CCE plenty of researches are not available in general and attitude of secondary social science teachers towards in CCE in particular. Few research like Rao and Bharati (1989) found positive attitude of teachers towards continuous evaluation system. It was observed that majority of teachers seemed to think that it promoted creativity, analytical ability, regularity  and command over the subjects by students. Similarly, in the study of Thangamani (1989) teachers showed positive attitude towards oral examination as a di agnostic device, this also comes under the purview of present CCE but it was not launched at that time. The effectiveness of CCE implementation depends on teachers’ positive attitude and awareness towards it. Rajput and Kumar (2003) also opined the need of orientation for teachers in the conceptual and practical aspects of scheme to give them clear understanding as to how to go about the CCE. Present study reveals that, teachers possess positive attitudes towards CCE. It was found by Rao and Rao (2008) that primary school teachers were not doing continuous assessment systematically, not identifying the learning difficulties and remedial instruction was not provided. It also revealed that teachers were recording against the each student’s performance and activities just to satisfy the supervising and inspecting authority. Such findings about the teachers were probably due to lack of awareness about CCE among the teachers as it was not implemented in all areas. Rao Manjula (2002) also found evaluation practices carried out in schools were still conventional in their nature and purposes in those schools were teachers are not trained in in-service programmes. In concluding, it would seem that positive attitude of social teachers towards Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation was probably due to proper in-service training. In some of the studies it was found that attitude was not positive due to lack of training, awareness and significance about CCE. Present study also found social science teachers’ attitude not influenced by gender, area and teaching experience, which probably due to large scale awareness programme in Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation and in-service training to all the teachers without any criteria of gender, experience and area of school. Further, in-depth qualitative study on teachers’ attitude towards CCE and its effect on effective implementation are essential to unveil the truth. References 1. Agrawal, M. (2000) Towards Quality school through Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation. Journal of Indian Education xxvi, 2, 1-12 August. 2. Bhattacharjee, A. & Sharma, N. (2010). Status of co-scholastic activities in the school programme of the elementary schools. Journal of all India association for educational research 22, 1, 61-65, June. 3. Government of India (1986): National Policy on Education, MHRD, Department of Education, New Delhi. 4. Green, L. W. & Kreuter, M. M. (1991). Health promotional planning: an educational and environmental approach, 2nd ed. Mountain view, Mayfield’s 5. Lord, D. (1998). ICT supported multimedia learning materials: Catering for individual learner differences. Paper presented at the British Educational Research Association Conference, Belfast, United Kingdom. 6. Mandal, P.K. (2010) Towards Positing a Paradigm for Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation in Social Science. Journal of Indian Education XXXVI, 3, Nov. 7. Mangal, S. K. & Mangal, S. (2011). An emotionally intelligent teacher at the heart of successful CCE. Edutracks 10, 8, 6-8, April. 8. Mukherjee, R. (2007). Impact of continuous and comprehensive evaluation in improving school community symbiosis. Master thesis, Regional Institute of Education, Bhubaneswar, Orissa. 9. NCERT (2005): National Curriculum Framework for School Education, Published at the Publication Department, Secretary, NCERT, New Delhi. 10. NCERT (1988): National Curriculum for Elementary and Secondary Education – A Framework (Revised Version), Published at the Publication Department, Secretary, NCERT, New Delhi. 11. Rajput, S. et. al. (2003). Concept of continuous and comprehensive evaluation. Continuous and comprehensive evaluation (Teacher’s handbook for primary stage), NCERT, New Delhi. 12. Rao, K. S. (1989). Influence of continuous evaluation on learning in school. Indian educational review 22, 50. 13. Rao, R. S., & Bharathi, M. (1989). Evaluation of continuous evaluation system of examination system in Kendriya Vidyalaya. Fifth survey of educational research, 2, 1992. 14. Rao, Manjula et al. (1998): Impact of SOPT Training Programme on the Classroom Practices of Teachers – A Study in Southern States, RIE (NCERT), Mysore. 15. Rao Manjula P. (2001). Effectiveness of the Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation Training Programme over the Evaluation Practices of Primary School Teachers. A DPEP Research Study in Tamil Nadu, RIE, Mysore. 16. Rao Manjula P. and S.P. Kulkarni (2002). Development and Implementation of a School Based Evaluation System at Primary Stage in Demonstration School, RIE, Mysore. 17. Rossi, P.H.; Lipsey, M.W., & Freeman, H.E. (2004). Evaluation: A systematic approach (7th Ed.). Thousand Oaks: Sage. 18. Smita. (2002). Continuous and comprehensive evaluation, shift in learner evaluation; A synthesis of case studies. Technical support group. District primary education programme, Educational consultant India limited, New Delhi. 19. Ved Prakash, et al. (2000): Grading in Schools, Published at the Publication Division by the Secretary, NCERT, New Delhi.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

No Child Left Behind vs. Inequalities Essay

The American educational system suffers from a wide disparity between the poor and rich schools in the country. Race relations is a prominent cause of the problem wherein the white-dominated school districts get the most funding and government support while non-white children live in poverty, academic underachievement, indifferent government officials and hopelessness. The No Child Left Behind Act seeks to lessen this disparity by equalizing governmental funding, ensuring a competent teaching workforce and instilling a system of accountability. However, like many other laws, No Child Left Behind has its shortcomings and needs re-examination and/or fine tuning to ensure its effectiveness. No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 and the Issues in Jonathan Kozol’s Book Through the book Savage Inequalities: Children in America’s Schools, Kozol (1991) made several noteworthy points such as (1) many schools in poverty-stricken areas have non-white children comprising the majority of their student populations, (2) poor, run-down schools in non-white neighborhoods view themselves as serving those children who have little value to the country, (3) students, school administrators, public officials and community residents have a shared feeling of hopelessness for their plight and nobody is willing to be accountable for the problem, and (4) increased funding for the poorest schools in America can make a difference if this is accompanied by a change in the society’s attitude (pp. 82, 114, 243). Former US President George W. Bush signed â€Å"The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001† into law on January 8, 2002 as part of his educational reform agenda (â€Å"No Child†, 2007). The Act sought for immense transformation in America’s K-12 education by underscoring four principles: (1) greater accountability for results, (2) increased flexibility and local control, (3) expanded options for parents, and (4) an emphasis on proven and effective teaching methods (â€Å"New Jersey†, 2006). The four principles are aligned with the areas of racial inequalities among schools as identified by Kozol (Check, 1992, p. 1) which include funding, governmental assistance, political support, buildings upkeep, quality of educators, availability of and funding for school supplies, extra-curricular facilities, overcrowding and accountability system (Warner, 2002, n. d. ). Extent of Effectiveness of the Act Some of No Child Left Behind’s remedies are more pronounced in student academic performance. Thompson and Barnes (2007) cite that albeit slow progress, NCLB yields favorable results in strengthening student academic achievement. For example, scores in mathematics among 4th and 8th graders from 2003 to 2005 increased nationwide with scores for Hispanic and African American students showing significant improvement in the same period. Further, 4th graders’ national average scores in reading improved while achievement gap between African American and Hispanic 4th graders narrowed slightly from 2003 to 2005 (p. 16). More than two-thirds of the states also reported that test scores disparity in terms of race, income, or language background has lessened or stayed the same (Rentner et. al. , 2006 as cited in Thompson and Barnes, 2007, p. 16). On the contrary, the mostly debated shortcomings of the law fall in three areas. First, its stringent assessment and reporting requirements forced educators to allocate instructional time in preparation for assessment thereby suppressing creative learning in the classroom. Secondly, the Department of Education has failed to immediately ensure and monitor that the states comply with the NCLB’s teacher quality provisions; this being done only two years after the effectivity of the law. Lastly, fund disbursements in some states primarily devoted to professional development were done without full consideration of effectiveness or content quality of the trainings (Thompson and Barnes, 2007, pp. 19-20). Conclusion In summary, the NCLB has laid the foundations for educational reform and academic equality but continuous evaluation is essential to make the law work for all. References Check, J. (1992). Book Review: Savage Inequalities: Children in America’s Shools, by Jonathan Kozol. The Quarterly, 14 (3). Retrieved April 10, 2009, from http://www. nwp. org/cs/public/print/resource/1139 Kozol, J. (1991). Savage Inequalities: Children in America’s Schools. New York: Harper Collins New Jersey No Child Left Behind. (2006). Retrieved April 10, 2009, from http://www. nj. gov/education/grants/nclb/

Monday, July 29, 2019

Effective Technology Support Team Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Effective Technology Support Team - Essay Example The success enjoyed by Davies' team is proof of the fact that he enjoyed a rather effective technology support team. However, as we can see, his team was composed not only of his colleagues, but professors and graduates as well. This fact seems to point out, that for team success, it is not necessary to have a group of geniuses with a plethora of experience. So, what is it that actually determines how successful a team is Apart from having a well-defined objective, it is important for a team to have a clear process through which they will achieve that objective, i.e. the group defines and achieves a continuous series of 'small wins' along the way to a larger goal. In the example above, there were numerous problems the Stanley group faced along the way of the actual execution of the plan (such as the problem of controlling the car in dust and fog). However, the team was prepared for all the challenges they faced. Sure, they didn't have all the possible technologies they might need to get them through, but they had meticulously planned a specific line of action for each problem they might face. (Geoff Koch, former Intel editor, A team can only flourish when it exists in an easy yet involving environment, in the sense that there is a lot of healthy discussion in which virtually everyone participates, but it limited to the teams' objective. If discussion gets off track, someone (whose role is pre-assigned) brings it back to the task in hand. After listening to each other, members just voice any and all ideas that come to mind. They do net hesitate considering the fact that their creativity may be labeled stupidity. They disagree and criticize each other frequently, but they always scrutinize each others' reason for doing so, so that they might work constructively towards the objective of the team. The purpose is simply not to dominate the dissenter, but to resolve the issue. Conversely, the dissenters don't try to dominate the group; they simple voice a genuine difference of opinion. If there are basic disagreements that can't be immediately resolved, the group figures out a way to live with them without let ting them halt its efforts. A decision is only taken when there is either unanimous or at the very least a general agreement, but never when there was confusion regarding both sides of a choice. (MacGregor D., n.d., The Human Side of Enterprise), (Kaztenbach & Smith, n.d. The Wisdom of Teams) However, this is the scenario where a team has actually been assembled and it sets out to perform the task at hand. But how is that team chosen in the first place, i.e. how does team building actually occur The first question asked about any team member is the level of intelligence. Are their brains capable of computing the amount of data necessary for the task When designing a particular system, there are a million different problems he might face.Will that person be able to address those issues Very simple put, does he have what it takes (patience, experience, judgment, analytical/problem solving capabilities, etc)to handle his job Additionally, it helps if the team members are curious about the things they actually research into. For e.g.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Individual Target Market Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Individual Target Market Paper - Essay Example Basing on the consumers’ essence in the distribution of the producers or the suppliers, there is need to evaluate various aspects of the customers in the market. A company should uphold excellent delivery of its products or services to the consumers in the market. Nonetheless, effective marketing would only result after a comprehensive product or service identification. Therefore, this exercise intends to research on the current customer base, buyer behavior, demographics, psychographics, lifestyle, geographic area, benefit segmentation, and user segmentation for the product or service. In every case, there will be identification of the best mechanisms to be employed as well as the provision of preferences for the models (Parkin, 2009). The current customer base incorporates the number of consumers that the business delivers its products or services. The current customer base is essential for consideration in the business because it is the group of individuals utilizing the co mpany’s products and the services or both at the moment. Nonetheless, many businesses tend to neglect this business opportunity and prefer seeking new customers’ interests to deal in their products (Rogers, 2010). Their main purpose is to create extra profits through the venture. Current customer base is significant in every business since it entail a number of advantages. In the first instance, the current customer base can indicate the ultimate path for the business. This can by achieved by bringing the customers on board to get their comments basing on the business’ products and services. It is easier to maintain the current customers and satisfying their desires since their demands might only be modification of the existing trends of a company. Focussing on the current customer base would also help in determining customers’ relationship with the company. The company would need to develop a number of mechanisms to attain a successful customer base. The company should get the customer to buy more of its product. The company can formulate the mechanisms that ensure that the customers buy more products once the customers realize that the product can effectively satisfy their needs. For instance, the company can offer discounts on bulk purchases. The company can get the customers to upgrade their products. The company can also get the customers to purchase more of its products. The repeat of sales can create more profits. The business should also consider its actions before dropping their marketing efforts. The business should consider the best means and reach the customers through it, probably after every month. The business should design marketing materials especially before beginning to market the current customer base. The start today aspect should target the encouragement of the customers that even though they have not began using the company’s products being marketed, there is still a chance and they can still use it and benefit (Parkin, 2009). The buyer behaviour should be determined by the business because different consumers possess different decision procedures in buying and utilizing the products. There should be an explicit understanding made by the business on why the customers make given purchases, why they make the observed purchases and the current trends occurring in the society. Throughout this experience, the business should determine and effectively address the critical aspects

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2

Management - Essay Example Some of them can be listed as Dell, Hewlett Packard, Toshiba, Acer, Apple Inc., Lenovo and many more meeting the needs of the various segments of the industry. It is to be noted that in 2002, Compaq and Hewlett Packard formed a merger and in 2004, IBM sold off their PC business to Lenovo. The Compaq and IBM used to dominate the market in the mid-1990s and HP and Dell were formidable players in the late 1990s when share of IBM was dwindling year after year. With a great foresight, IBM became a minority share holder in Lenovo capturing18.4% share holding and IBM granted Lenovo rights to use their brand for 5 years. Eventually, Lenovo got the product brand ‘ThinkPad’ from the IBM on permanent basis. (IBM sells PC†¦2004) ASPECT 1 SWOT Analysis of Lenovo It will be worthwhile to see the Strengths, and Weaknesses of the company. Further it would be appropriate to look into the opportunities that are waiting for the company and impending threats which can hamper the growth of the company. Strengths a. The company has got back-up of IBM through their well qualified technical and managerial staff. b. All its computers are sold with IBM brand ‘ThinkPad’ providing a confidence to the consumers in the market place. c. For having access to low-cost labor, the company enjoys low cost of production across its product range. d. Being a state-owned company, the company is supported through local favorable rules and regulations during normal and adverse market conditions. Weaknesses a. Having few manufacturing bases outside china, the company may be in trouble during calamities, or natural disasters within the country. b. Being a state-owned company, certain delay in decision making process is inevitable and that works negatively for the company. Opportunities a. Worldwide installations are growing at the rate of 10 percent and above. PC penetration is still low in emerging markets and there is also a considerable market waiting to be tapped in mat ured economies. This provides a good growth possibility for the company like Lenovo. b. The field of computers is making regular up gradation and due to its linkages with IBM; the company is well placed in adopting any new technology that may come from its technology partner. c. In the long run, IBM’s expertise in the field of software and the long history of research and development is likely to give immense benefits to Lenovo. It forms a good synergy between the companies like Lenovo–having a low-cost manufacturing base and technology inputs from a technology giant like IBM. Threats a. Lenovo is currently competing with some of the world best companies like Acer, Dell, and Hewlett Packard. Any merger between them is likely to create a big threat to Lenovo. b. Dell and HP are expanding their operations and opening new manufacturing bases in China. This can certainly be looked as a big threat to the company. The SWOT analysis will also have bearing of some of the exter nal forces that may affect Lenovo. It will be worthwhile to identify some of the sociopolitical and other factors that may influence the working of Lenovo. Lenovo is a state-owned company having most of its operations in China barring a few installations in India and Mexico. India and Mexico operations are mostly for the local needs of that country. (News 2007) Majority of the manufacturing operations of Lenovo are based at China. Lenovo is a stat

Are Criminals Born or Made Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Are Criminals Born or Made - Essay Example In spite of the efforts in this direction, crimes continue to exist and it can be concluded that the crimes will continue to exist and this problem cannot be solved. In order to solve this problem, it becomes necessary that the cause of the crimes or the reason why people commit crimes need to be analysed. Traditionally crime has been considered as associated with two domains by the specialists. The domains are the nature or the environment of the individuals including the family and the peers of the individuals. However, it must be noted that these specialists belong to different fields of science as the complexity and dynamics of crime extends to different areas, which are difficult to comprehend. Therefore, the statement "Are criminals born, or made" can be considered as When reference is made to the science of criminology automatically, reference is made to different branches of science such as psychology, genetics, sociology etc. The main purpose of criminology is to deal with crimes and criminals and solve this social problem. The main approaches to deal with the problem of crimes and their resolution are the natural approach and the environmental approach. The environmental approach deals with the circumstances that made an individual to commit a crime and it does not consider the hereditary or family background of the criminal. Whereas the natural approach is sure that the nature of the criminal, his or her genes, and heredity are the main reasons that make him/her commit the crimes.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Assignment 6 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

6 - Assignment Example These transactions may involve multiple investors and banks. Purchasing power parity states that a unit of any given currency should be able to buy the same amount of goods in all countries. The monetary policies practiced in countries are different. Therefore, different inflation rates are experienced by the countries. Price levels reflect the country’s rate of inflation. In case if the amount of goods that can be bought by spending a unit of dollar in country A is higher than the amount that can be bought in country B, selling such goods from country A to B is profitable. Ideally, arbitrage process occurs until the purchasing power of the currency is equal in both countries. Quantity or quality of the goods and services produced by the country is not changed. Only the amount of money circulating in the economy is increased. The real value of a dollar is now low while the amount of goods and services it can buy is now less. Similarly, the units of yen a dollar can buy in market for foreign currency exchange are also decreased. Supply of market for loanable funds is generated from domestic savings while demand is generated from domestic investments and net capital out flaw. The cost of borrowing from market for loanable funds is denoted by real interest rate (i). Market for loanable funds can be graphically illustrated as below. Supply of market for foreign-currency exchange is generated from net capital out flaw while the demand is generated from net exports. NCO is determined by real interest rate. The cost of purchasing foreign currencies is denoted by real exchange rate (r) as illustrated bellow. These are called twin deficits because the first can trigger the latter. As the government draws money from national savings to fund its expenditures, the cost of borrowing by public is increasing. Therefore, investing in domestic businesses becomes more profitable. Capital is now flowing into the country while decreasing the NCO. Low capital

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Business letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Business letter - Essay Example This is indicated by CEO comment that poor performance resulted from increase in gas prices, and people cutting back on carbohydrates. Instead, if I was the CEO I could have refrained from making any comment and instead order a quick investigation to be done by the experts so that we come up with the appropriate measure to change the situation. Also, for a firm to succeed there must be a close relationship between top management and their subordinates. This would have ensured that the top management has a deep insight of what could have been led to tremendous decrease in sales. As a result, the most hurt personnel in the organization are the stockholders who have invested their capital in the business for returns. This is because the situation could have caused depreciation of the value of their investment rather than appreciation. In my view, failure for the company to remain competitive in the market can be attributed by all stakeholders who have a role to play in ensuring that the company performs well. In addition, overreliance on top management to undertake all roles in the company could also have led to poor performance. Instead, the organization could have agitated for team work an aspect that could have increased coordination in all sectors involved in

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Film review communication 240 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Film review communication 240 - Essay Example This makes the 112 minute film a must watch for everyone as it teaches about mobs, loan sharks, crime and above all the value of friendship. The main actors are Charlie (Harvey Keitel) and Johnny boy (Robert De Niro). A review of this film will reveal the integration of mafia in the society and their influence on individuals, the value of friendship and love and how the three can get intertwined even in the simplest of society members. The story surrounds the lives of Johnny boy who is a gambler and owes a lot of money to the loan sharks all of which has been used in his small time gambling problem and Charlie who is involved with the New York Mafia and also collects debts for his uncle Giovanni (Cesare Danova) who is in the mafia. The friendship between the two prevents Charlie from moving to join the New York Mafia because he feels responsible over the reckless Johnny boy and also because he is secretly having an affair with Johnny’s cousin Teresa. Charlie and Johnny are sho t at by Michael (Richard Romanus) who is a local loan shark who Johnny owes money to while trying to get out of town but they survive though Charlie’s shot hand causes them to have a crash. ... Teresa, for example, looks and acts like a weakling and there is no doubt that she is epileptic. The same can be said of Charlie who is composed, businesslike and suits the role of a debt collector and also friend. Johnny boy just seems lost and out of touch and it therefore does not come as a surprise to the viewer when he insults the loan arks instead of humbling himself. The cinematography of the film cannot be any better. When it comes to the lighting for example it is a bit dark in the gambling houses where Johnny boy visits and full of noise. When Charlie and Johnny are shot at and crash, the same cinematography effects displayed make it appear real, the movement during the crash and the mood when the ambulance arrives together with the lighting all makes it perfect. Compared to the other films and works of the director Martin Scorsese, mean streets is just the best and most enjoyed and positively rated film. This may be attributed to the fact that it is based on real life expe riences and the settings of the film are from the vivid memories of the director. The fact is that in this film, Scorsese wrote the script while on the streets of Little Italy and even acted in it himself may also be a cause of such a captivating movie. Conclusion Based on the above positive review of this film, it is evident that it paved way for the modern dramas involving crime. The viewer cannot regret the decision to sit for over an hour deeply engrossed in this exemplary literary work and hence can be recommended to all. All these positive reviews are in addition to the fact that with a budget of $500,000, the movie was not expensive to

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Introduction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Introduction - Essay Example The easiness and accuracy that these word processors provide promotes its usage as far as my writing is concerned. Double spacing is the most comfortable page setting for me in every stage of writing as it makes the reviewing process more comfortable. Moreover the double spaced text makes the work fuller and thus contributes more towards the writing satisfaction. With regard to the time consumption, the best of my works have taken ample amount of time as they have gradually evolved through successive improvisations. However, I never prefer to waste time by scribbling down in a paper first and then spend unwanted time to digitalize it. But when it comes to the reading and rechecking of the text, it’s always good to work on the hard copy. Of my experience, the creativity part never waits for and understands deadlines. In this regard, writing sometimes happens as an abrupt process but sometimes gets procrastinated. Deliberate efforts to do satisfactory writing would not yield fruitful results in these times when I feel the writer’s block. However, I had been successful in overcoming these hindrances by some or the other means, eventually helping me to meet deadlines. The organization of the text depends on the kind of paper to be written. When an academic or scientific paper is to be written, I ensure to plan it and constitute its components thoroughly before the actual writing process. When creative writing is to be done, the structuring automatically happens along with the writing. However, in both modes of writing, discussion and sharing of ideas helps a lot in the diversification of the paper in different perspectives. The draft checking process for me is the integration of these diverse ideas into the comm on vision of the paper. Whenever I get a chance, I make my friends to read my drafts so that its perfection is understood through the reader’s perspective. The number of drafts however depends on a number of factors

Monday, July 22, 2019

In the book aptly titled Hannibal Essay Example for Free

In the book aptly titled Hannibal Essay In the book aptly titled Hannibal, Serge Lancel provided a nitty-gritty exposition of Rome’s Great Commander life history. Through this book, Lancel aims to provide a concise account of Hannibal’s greatness to enlighten some misconceptions about the hero, and to outline how Hannibal reached the summit of success, in terms of war. The book explicates Hannibal’s historical biography from childhood up to the moment of his downfall, to give the reader a clear picture of Hannibal’s attributes, strengths, weaknesses, and most especially his essential characteristics that made him a true hero. Lancel does not only establish Hannibal’s internal complexities but he also provided a precise status quo of the Carthaginian world throughout the progression of the Great Commander’s life history. With this, Lancel successfully sketched the annihilation of Hellenistic world and the ascension of Rome. Hannibal was brought in to world in 247 BCE at Carthage, which was experiencing a tremendous loss from Rome during the First Punic War (264-241). The domination of Rome during this period has a great influence to young Hannibal’s life because he was the eldest son of a Carthaginian general named Hamilcar Barca. At the age of ten, Hannibal witnessed the step by step triumph of his father through the latter’s accomplishment of other territories for the expansion Carthage empire. Many believed that Hamilcar compelled Hannibal to make a promise that the latter will have a perpetual abhorrence to the Roman Empire. Lancel posited that these could be hearsay only but this event could be true since Carthaginians have all the reasons to detest the Romans. When Hamilcar died in 229 BCE, Hasdrubal the Fair (Hamilcar’s son in-law) assumed the position, and during his reign he changed the landscape warfare by promoting diplomatic means. Eight years after, Hasdrubal was assassinated, which paved way for Hannibal’s commandership over the Carthaginian militia in Iberia. From diplomatic practice, Hannibal went back to his father approach of battle, which is aggressive in nature. His first attack was towards the natives of Salamanca in 220 BCE, followed the seizure Santagnum, which led to a conflict with the Romans because during Hasdrubal supremacy, Carthage and Rome made a treaty to prevent any disagreement between the two empires. Carthage and Rome underwent a negotiation, and while it is going Hannibal continued his goal of extending his territory. When he completely invaded the Iberian Peninsula the Carthage-Rome relationship worsened and catapulted the Second Punic War. Rome sent out reinforcement in Sicily, while Hannibal made a bold move in beleaguering Italy before the former can prepared themselves in the waging war. The existing war gave Hannibal an opportunity to get the support Gaul militia, which in the end made his army more powerful, and resulted, to his second triumph at Trebia River. In March 217 BCE, the Great Commander winning streak perpetuated though in an unfortunate event he lost one of his eyes (some historians posited that this due to opthamalia) during the war. Roman militia’s power diminished as the war went on, in an unexpected happenstance their consul Flaminius was ambushed near the Trasimene Lake. Because of this, Hannibal exterminated two Roman legions, but it did not stop Rome and its allies from engaging and continuing the war. Instead, they aggravated the conflict when Quintus Fabius Maximus was chosen to be Rome’s dictator. The Roman council suggested an end-all be-all war, in which they were successful at its first battle at Cannae but they were eventually defeated when Carthaginian army overwhelmed them in a circular formation. Several of Roman allies was so disappointed with result of the Second Punic War, they decided to turn their back with Rome and decided to join the Carthage Empire. Then at age of thirty, Capua was established as Hannibal’s capital in Italy. He commanded his brother Mago Barca to relate the good news in Carthage and in doing so; Mago decanted hundreds of golden rings taken from the decimated cadavers of Roman army, while he was entering the entrance hall of the Carthaginian senate. Nevertheless, Roman council, along with their remaining allies, still resisted any agreement with Hannibal. Then the Great Commander decided to make an alliance with the Macedonian empire, which he acquired through the approval of King Philip V of Macedonia. With this approval, the Carthaginian forces were joined by Syracuse forces in 214 BCE. Rome did not falter; instead, they started an alliance with the Aetolia since this Greek town has a dispute with Macedonia. In the undying desire of Hannibal to expand his territory, he pursued Cumae and Puteoli ports, in order for him to strengthen his militia, but due to this, Rome found an opportunity to regain its nation’s confidence and to start anew because Hannibal neglected his offensives in Central Italy. In 212 BCE, Hannibal tasted his first failure.

Sciences - Humanities Essay Example for Free

Sciences Humanities Essay It is socially accepted that Science is more important than Humanities, since Science has a world of different fields of study in which appear some famous names like Einstein, among others. Also, it has better paid jobs than Humanities fields and, in most cases; this is quite a situation for some people when they have to choose a career. For this reasons, Humanities have been underestimated. This is a very important matter as people don’t pay attention to it; a debate arises, requiring an analysis: Science and Humanities go hand in hand. Science and its aims are related to chasing goals and look for research based on facts and data being challenged by discovery, which has certain beauty indeed, for the people who is really into it. However, when science heads gets stubborn on their work, they obviously need an escape, because an excessive dedication may lead them to madness. Thus, Humanities gives the necessary weapons to scientists related to human feelings, emotions, and relationships, which become useful to create an important and interesting balance, like Aristotle did for instance. Nevertheless, there is also a chance to choose Humanities programs which aren’t less important as they require a huge commitment, in the case of human experiences and their meanings, as in pedagogy. Science and Humanities share the delight of creation and beauty, and I don’t think that one is more important than another. Moreover, I chose to study pedagogy because I think it’s a way I can develop all my skills to help people, and Humanism is helping me do it, despite the fact that I can earn more or less money.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Examining the Business Plan of Blue CNG station

Examining the Business Plan of Blue CNG station This report is about the business plan of a CNG station which is located in Peshawar Pakistan and is prepared by Syed Behram Bin Nasir. In this ill try to do the industrial, production plan, operational plan, organizational plan and marketing plan Industry Analysis: In the beginning ill start with the industrial analysis in which ill explain the current situation of the CNG industry how it is making an impact in the petroleum sector and future of the this specific industry how new trends will effect it, what strategies to make that will ensure us to be competitive with the market we are in and how can we make it different from other competition. After that an over view on how to we can utilize our resources and make out business more efficient and then to come up with proper marketing strategies to forecast the demand of CNG in the true market. NATURE OF BUSINESS Products Size of business Equipment Personal Services PRODUCTION PLAN Manufacturing Operations Plans Supplier OPERATIONAL PLAN Head offices and Regional plant Goods and services Utilization of technology ORGANIZATIONAL PLAN Partnership business Private limited Employees responsibility Mission and vision MARKETING PLAN It is one of the most important part of the business plan in which we decide which marketing plans to implement and what strategies to make, how the business can be run efficiently. The main purpose of the marketing plan is how the product or the service be distributed, priced and promoted. Environmental analysis Pest analysis Swot analysis Porters five forces Matketing goals Marketing strategies Marketing mix Budget decisions FINANCIAL PLAN Sources of finance Income statement Balance sheet Funds Ratios RISK ASSESSMENT In this we identify the threats to a business which are mainly the potential threats and making a strategies how to minimize the risk of threats and making the business to a progressive and profitable road. INDUSTRIAL ANALYSIS CNG is one of those resources which are abundantly available in our country. The country is using petroleum products for a very long because they before they didnt had any alternative and also the country spending a lot of its foreign exchange of buying the petroleum products, so it was important for the government to come up with a substitute which can help the people and also help them decrease the large amount of foreign exchange they are spending on buying the petroleum products. Due to this step by the govt already almost 600,000 cars are already on CNG. Due to a large difference in the prices of CNG and petroleum products a lot of people are converting their cars on to CNG. From an analysis made already there are 2500 hundred CNG stations currently working in the country and already the demand is more then CNG pumps has to offer. The total amount for setting up a CNG pump station is about 30.22 million which includes the land, building, equipment and machinery, along with the p reliminary expenses and working capital. CNG POLICY The Government of Pakistan has offered number of incentives for encouraging the use of CNG in the country. Some of these are summarized below: Strong Government commitment to promote CNG use Liberal policy to provide license for CNG retailing Deregulated market consumer price of CNG Natural gas tariff for CNG linked to petrol Priority of natural gas connection to CNG stations Exemption of import duty and sales tax. Federal cabinet also proved a package of incentives and recommendations for replacement of diesel oil with CNG. This has provided a boost to the industry and so far, more than 2.5 million vehicles have been converted to CNG and more than 3100 CNG stations are operational in different parts of the country (As on May, 2010). With these developments  Pakistan  has become the leading CNG using country in the world.  HDIP is promoting and offering consultancy services to the private sector which include the whole range of activities like formation of company, selection of sites, legal formalities, design of stations, specifications and sizing of equipment, selection of equipment, selection of contractor, training of manpower, commissioning and supervision, etc., depending upon the clients needs. HDIP with approval of the Ministry has developed the following procedure for establishment of CNG Stations.!ut/p/c0/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os_hQN68AZ3dnIwMD3wAXAyNTPxc_E1NjINdYvyDbUREALPdBpw!!/?PC_7_OFLO9FH20GDHE02DCQKDP72HM7_WCM_CONTEXT=/wps/wcm/connect/MopnrCL/ministry/sageneral/hdipifuel MARKET DEMAND Keeping in mind the current situation of Pakistan we know how important transport has become and its only travelling that people can travel from one to another transport has become the main source of transporting goods. In a survey 2006 2007 it was told that the population of Pakistan is increasing 2.0% per anum which means almost 3.2 million people, with this increase every year the number of vehicles also increased which increased the demand of petroleum throughout the country. According to GOP analysis the consumption of CNG and petroleum products are almost to a sky high 70% where electricity is 15% LPG is 8% and coal is also 8% and the other used in other areas including residential areas. In the 1990s the demand for petroleum increased by 7% per anum and the came down to 2.5% by the end of the 1990 and then again by the end of the 2008 2009 it increased again to a sky high 9.7%. ANALYSIS OF COMPETITORS In pakistan major portion of the CNG sector is taken by the PSO and its around 60 tp 65 % and the rest of the portion has other companies like Shell, Attock, Caltex and Total. BUSINESS DESCRIPTION Products Services CNG LPG Size Of Business A CNG business has less number of people mainly from 8 to 12 as compared with capital invested. Office Equipment Office Control room Cylinder storage room Shed for dispenser Washroom Under ground piping Power cables Flooring Construction Cost EQUIPMENT Equipment needed for a CNG station Gas compressor Electric control panel Storage cascade CNG dispenser PERSONNEL REQUIREMENT By personnel we mean people who will work in a CNG pump which includes cashier, manager, operator, accountant, watchman and sweeper. A total of 12 to 15 people are needed for the two shifts for a CNG station and a brief idea how their salaries would be are below: BACK GROUND OF CNG IN PAKISTAN The word CNG means compressed natural gas, one of the first environmental clean. This gas is majorly used in homes as fuel also in industries and factories. Basically when we compress gas to a level of 250 bar it becomes CNG. According to a survey in 2006 2007 CNG industries invested a handsome amount of 70 million because of the encouraging policies of the government so make CNG more and more accessible for the people of Pakistan. Now a days almost 2700 CNG stations are working in different cities of Pakistan and its not stopping in a span of 3 to 4 years another 1000 stations will be installed and because of this rapid growth around 30000 people got employed across the country. According to a survey conducted by the international gas association Pakistan is the third largest consumer of CNG after Brazil and Argentina and in Asia Pakistan largest consumer of CNG with over just in 2009 approximately 2 million people converted there cars on to CNG. PRODUCTION PLAN For opening a CNG station need to go through few essential steps which should fulfill the criteria of the oil marketing company Application A person who is interested in opening a CNG station has to submit an application to the oil marketing company to take in notice that he wants to use his land as a supplier of CNG and needs the permission of the government to help him install the station and use it to sell oil products and services Feasibility Study Oil marketing company after excepting the application then checks credibility of the applicant both social, financial and skills and then a feasibility report is conducted by the oil marketing companys expert checks the viability of applicants land with respect to the location. After fulfilling the feasibility criteria of the project, the oil marketing company signs a retailer ship agreement with the applicants takes the applicants land and acquires it on rental lease base for a minimum time period of 15 years. The rent is a normal amount based on the location of the land. NOC (No Objection Certificate) After signing an agreement with the oil marketing company an expert draws a map for the sight representing the structure of the sight and then the application is submitted to the district coordinator officer which then issues a no objection certificate after talking to the concern department who after few meeting decide if the NOC should be issued or not. The following departments are as follows: Concerned district authority Planning authority Traffic police Department of civil Defense National high way authorities Central board of revenue Civil administration Irrigation officer Forest department CONSTRUCTION PHASE After the permission the infra structure has to be started according to the approved map made by the expert earlier. The cost is only shared by the applicant and oil marketing company. The cost of the machinery and equipment is paid by the company and rest of the civil work cost is on the business owner. After completion the sight is visited by an expert from the oil marketing company to check if its made according to the standards of health and safety issues. PROCESS FLOW CHART NATURAL GAS PROCESSING Name Of Suppliers The central board of revenue also known as CBR has made a list of suppliers who provide cylinders, compressors, CNG vehicle cylinders, CNG machinery and conversion kits. OPERATIONAL PLAN Compressors It is a mechanical device that increases the pressure of the gas by decreasing its volume, a compressor is same as a pump both decrease the volume and both can travel through a pipe. Pressure regulator Regulates pressure of CNG to the engine and has different stages through which the engine can be tuned according to consumption of the engine and give a steady performance. Filling valve Multi valve with quick closing device that keeps the CNG stored in the cylinder. Through this valve the vehicle is refueled. Mixer This is a device used to control the amount of CNG inside the engine , setting the ideal gas pressure for smooth running of the engine. Electronic Unit Helps in enabling the correct pressure of gas, it controls sensors to improve the mixture. Ventilation system A safety equipment which helps in the ventilation of the system Connection Tubes CNG cylinder is connected to strong and hard pipes and also connects to the engine. Filling Valve A device which helps the CNG to be stored in the cylinder and the vehicle is also refueled through this valve. ORGANIZATIONAL PLAN Form of Owner Ship It could be proprietorship or partnership depending on the amount of cash or investment involved in the business Name of The Business The nature of the business is private limited so there is no need of the government to come in and issue a name. Identification of the Ownership Ownership is only in the hand of the person who will start the business or in the hands of the partners in case the business is a partnership based. Responsibilities of Employees Fueling the vehicles Selling the lubricants Counting and accepting the cash Operating the machinery Cash management Book keeping MARKETING PLAN Mission vision Vision To make 10 more stations in the next 10 to 15 years all across the country mainly in the larger cities of Pakistan. Mission High quality compressed gas for transportation which should be environmental friendly, gives economical advantages and support the government to help give good services to the people of the country Situation Analysis This analysis is usually done to find out which environmental forces are effecting or which factors are effecting the business and then coming up with a strategy to minimize the effect of these strategies. General Overview Natural Gas is one of the most valuable natural resources abundantly available in our country. The people of Pakistan have been using the petroleum products as a fuel in their automobiles, thus spending a huge amount of foreign exchange on import of petroleum products. Moreover, the Government of Pakistan has taken certain concrete steps in order to promote the use of natural gas as a fuel substitute in the automobiles. Due to the efforts made by the Government and comparatively low prices of gas, more than60 0 ,00 0* vehicles have already been converted to operate on Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) fueling system all over Pakistan. Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) is produced when the natural gas is compressed into cylinders to be used as a fuel in the automobiles. The compressed natural gas has been used as an automobile fuel since 1940, and over the years, the technology has been modified and refined. In the recent years, the usage of CNG as an automobile fuel has significantly increased because of its low cost and environment friendly nature. Pollution and Waste Management Recent studies have identified pollution caused by hazardous gas emissions and solid waste as a key environmental issue confronting Pakistan, with significant health implications. A substantial increase in the number of vehicles on urban roads continues to drive up levels of urban air pollution. Common gases emitted by vehicles include carbon mon-oxide, nitrous oxides, and ozone, and are dangerous to human health beyond certain levels of concentration. Poly-aromatic hydrocarbons released by diesel-powered vehicles are known carcinogens, while smoke from diesel engines has aggravated already elevated levels of airborne soot. Nitrous oxides are emerging air pollutants with the highest concentrations recorded in Karachi, followed by Lahore, Quetta, Peshawar, and Islamabad (Figure 3). Industries located in urban areas are the main source of sulfur dioxide (dangerous to human, animal, and plant life) while brick kilns powered by low-grade coal are notable sources of soot. Pest analysis A helpful way to understand the big picture of Political, Economic, Socio-cultural and Technological environment. By making good use of PEST analysis, it is ensured that what is going to be done is aligned positively with powerful forces of change. It helps in operating in a new country or region and helps in understanding the realities of that environment. It helps in strategy formation in a sense that these factors (Uncontrollable environmental forces) must be kept in view, which may lead to failure if ignored. The position of PEST analysis in understanding the overall picture of environment can be described by the following diagram: Situation analysis  in which political-legal (government stability, spending,  taxation, etc.),  economic  (inflation, interest,  unemployment, etc.), socio-cultural (demographics,  education,  income distribution, etc.), and technological (knowledge  generation,  conversion  ofdiscoveries  into  products,  rates  of  obsolescence, etc.)factors  are examined to  chart  an  organizations  term plans. Political Government agencies and pressure groups have a strong effect upon the activities of any organization in a society. Political environment strongly affects the marketing decisions. The political stability of a country has its impact on the consistency of policies of local government. Importance of public interest groups and business regulations can be found from the political environment. Nations vary greatly in their political and legal environment. Sometimes, a government can decide violently to respond a popular feeling even without a change. Any new policy can be introduced regarding tax and trade and tariff control etc. This may give benefits to the organization but the thing matters is that how they handle business and financial matters in such unexpected and sudden changes? Political trends may not be of as much importance in stable governments as they are in weak ones, although they can have a significant impact on business. For example, in the United States, the companies in the business of providing social services can have more opportunities when Democrats are in power. Political decisions like awarding of subsidies to any sector either directly in the form of grants or through tax incentives can impact the industry circumstance. Economic Economic environment is usually analyzed by keeping in view the following economic indicators: employment, consumer price index, housing starts, personal income, saving rate, industrial production, capacity utilization and productivity etc. Although the gap between living standards of well-developed Western and developing Asian countries is lessening, yet the uncertain economic climate in the Asian economies has important implications for international marketers. Organizations determine that how these changing incomes affect purchasing power and how they adopt it for the firms profitability. Social Each country has its own set of values and traditions. The companies must know that how consumers in different countries think and use different products before planning a marketing program. All the positive and negative impacts which a culture may cause must be identified. There might be different dimensions of culture like the social organization of society, religion, literacy levels, political systems and language. Social factors also influence behavior of consumers. A persons family, friends and social organizations strongly affect product and brand choices. The persons position within each group can be defined in terms of role and status. A buyer chooses products and brands that reflect his or her role and status. Technological Market is changing radically as a result of technology. There are three different aspects of technology: type of technology, its process, and the impetus for its development. Type of technology preferred by a company is dedicated by its interest. Technological environment may be the most dramatic force in changing the working style and destiny of the firms. Technology is changing rapidly and every new technology replaces an older one. New markets and opportunities are created by new technologies the marketers should watch these trends in technology in order to compete. Companies which fail to anticipate and keep up with technological change find their products outdated soon. Firms must track technological trends and determine that whether their product is fulfilling the customers demands still or not. Some major factors of the technical environment are automation, rate of change of technology, internet and communication costs. SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths One of the major strengths that a business can have is mainly its location because a CNG station is all about its location how accessible it is for the consumers. Choice of equipment used by a CNG station is also an important factor which can help the business achieve more profits, the more user friendly it is the more it will be trusted by the staff and people coming to the station to fill up their cars. Weakness Lacking experience Supply of gas Skilled workers Opportunities Cheaper than petroleum products for the consumers Imposition of sales tax and customs Threats Saturated market due to large number of stations made every year. Increase in gas prices by government. PORTERS 5 FORCES Ten year plan Market demand At present there are more than 3000000  vehicles, which have been converted to CNG fuel, and a large number of vehicles are further being converted. Due to the increasing prices of petroleum products, the trend of converting cars to CNG fueling system has been on a rise. However, there exist a large number of people who were reluctant to convert their vehicles from petrol to gas due to safety concerns. recently, many car manufacturers have started manufacturing the cars with built-in CNG fueling system. This change has led to enhancing the confidence in the minds of the general public regarding the safety concerns, and now, more people are inclined towards purchasing these factory-fitted CNG fueling system cars. Market Supply: Total number of CNG stations in Pakistan is only over 2700, which is quite low for meeting the growing demand of CNG. Apart from these 2700 CNG stations, many new CNG stations are being setup across the country. Price Mechanism Promotion strategy Advertising through cable tv ads. Pump flits and banners Loyal customers Giving visiting cards to every customer who fills up Workers as medium of advertisement Organize seminars Financial Plan Projected Balance Sheet Projected Cash Flow Statement Cost of Sales Working Capital Risk Assessment Inflation Rate: 10% inflation rate has been considered while making the projections for cost of sales, operational expenses and salaries. The prices for gas, electricity, operational expenses and staff salaries are increased by 10% every year as a result of inflation. The selling price of gas has been increased by 5% every year. This shows that revenue will increase by less percentage than expenses in the earlier years. High Depreciation Rate: High depreciation rate of different assets will also be a risk for the venture that may ultimately decrease the returns of the venture.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Federalist versus Antifederalists Essays -- American government, Polit

From the birth of our Republic, Federalists and Antifederalist debated the nature of democracy and representation. One argument involved competing views of â€Å"communities of interest† and the nature of representation. Federalists desired a strong national government ruled by the political elite. Leaders should be isolated from the public and focus on making broad decisions at the national level. Antifederalists favor promotion of local interests through likeminded congressional representation. Government should be as close to the people as possible and representatives’ actions should be based on their constituent’s wishes. Political compromises were reached as demonstrated in the constitution and subsequent composition of congress. The debate concerning the nature of democracy and representation continues today, reflected in the differing and competing goals of redistricting, in part due to the vague nature and wording within the constitution. Both Fe deralist and Antifederalist views are reflected in modern politics however American politics has consistently moved towards an Antifederalist ideology since the decline in power of political parties. For the Antifederalists, â€Å"communities of interest† have a narrow definition, one which is both geographically and interest specific. Government should be close to the people; with direct democracy impractical, representation becomes necessary (FF 7, p.43). For representation to be accurate congressmen should reflect the local communities they represent; a large number of representatives with small constituencies are necessary to insure individual interests are entertained. Small constituencies provide a more intimate relationship; an increase in personal knowledge and communal... ...t government should be more accessible and is too far removed from the public. Evidence shows that congressmen are concerned with staying connected to districts and invest considerable time and energy being visible and available publically. Racial gerrymandering has provided unique descriptive representation opportunities but at the expense of historical geographic voting communities. People hate congress but love their incumbent due to a committee system which generally rewards seniority and personalized constituent services. The high reelection rate has resulted in the institutional memory desired by Federalists while partisan gerrymandering has made political seats safer on both sides of the isle. Both sides are partially represented in 21st Century politics but neither the Federalists nor Antifederalist would consider our current political climate ideal.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Internet Censorship is Needed Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Topics

Internet Censorship is Needed During the past forty years, over a thousand studies have been conducted on the effects of film and television violence.   This research concluded that media violence, which includes television and movies, contributes to violence in the real world.   According to The United States Department of Justice (DOJ), one expert concluded, "To argue against it is like arguing against gravity." What have been potential effects of this media violence?   Below are some statistics produced by DOJ Statistics from the United States Department of Justice ("DOJ"): *  Ã‚   2.8 million juveniles were arrested in 1997.   Out of these, there were 2,500 murder arrests and 121,000 arrests for other types of violent crimes *  Ã‚   "Juveniles accounted for 19% of all arrests, 14% of murder arrests, and 17% of all violent crime arrests." - (Senate Committee on the Judiciary, 1999) *  Ã‚   There has been a 49% increase in the number of juvenile violent crime arrests between 1988 and 1997. *  Ã‚   18% of high school students carry weapons on a regular basis. *  Ã‚   9% of ...

Exploring Autism in Children Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research Pape

Exploring Autism in Children Susan was a normal, happy, active infant. Her parents were so relieved that all her checkups at the pediatrician's office indicated that her growth and development were above average. At 6 months she could sit up and crawl and at 10 months she was walking. She seemed to babble more than her older brother did at the same age and was talking at 16 months. All the milestones in her early development were ahead of schedule. One day when she was 18 months old, her mother found her sitting alone in the yard spinning the wheels of her wagon with such persistence that her mom joked with her friends that maybe Susan would be an engineer when she grew up. Susan's mother began to notice many unusual behaviors from her sweet, happy little girl. She seemed really different from her older brother. At 2 years old, Susan, she began to digress more and more. Suddenly, Susan stopped talking and it felt as if she wasn't the same baby she once was. She became obsessed with order and threw a tantrum when anything was moved or was out of place. She was always putting hairy toys in her mouth or sniffing and licking them. It was clear that she was very sensitive to taste, sound, smell, and touch. She threw a tantrum when her mother tried to put jeans on her, soft sweatpants were much more comfortable. When her mom called her by her name, she appeared to be deaf because she was unresponsive to voices or language. She avoided eye contact and would often be fixated on a single item or activity for a long period of time. She was very active and was constantly rocking or flapping her hands. She also would become aggressive. When something would upset her, she would suddenly explode, grabbing anything she could get... ... Andrew awakes. Ladies Home Journal (163-166) Neuwirth, S & Segal, J. Autism. Source: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). Retrieved March 14, 2002 from the World Wide Web: Autism.html Powers, M, Psy, D. Children with Autism a parent's guide. Bethesda, MD: Woodbine House Inc. 3-9, 294. 297-298. Smith, D. (1992). Special Education. very low incidence Disabilities: Autism, Deaf- Blindness & Traumatic Brain Injury. (Pg. 520-530, 553-557). Needhan Heights, MA Autism 10 What is Autism . (2001 June) . Colorado Department of Education Fast Facts. Retrieved March 12,2002 from the World Wide Web: www. Treatment and education of eutism and related communication handicapped children.Chapel Hill TEACCH information.Retrieved June 15, 2000 from the World Wide Web: http://Autism- Exploring Autism in Children Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research Pape Exploring Autism in Children Susan was a normal, happy, active infant. Her parents were so relieved that all her checkups at the pediatrician's office indicated that her growth and development were above average. At 6 months she could sit up and crawl and at 10 months she was walking. She seemed to babble more than her older brother did at the same age and was talking at 16 months. All the milestones in her early development were ahead of schedule. One day when she was 18 months old, her mother found her sitting alone in the yard spinning the wheels of her wagon with such persistence that her mom joked with her friends that maybe Susan would be an engineer when she grew up. Susan's mother began to notice many unusual behaviors from her sweet, happy little girl. She seemed really different from her older brother. At 2 years old, Susan, she began to digress more and more. Suddenly, Susan stopped talking and it felt as if she wasn't the same baby she once was. She became obsessed with order and threw a tantrum when anything was moved or was out of place. She was always putting hairy toys in her mouth or sniffing and licking them. It was clear that she was very sensitive to taste, sound, smell, and touch. She threw a tantrum when her mother tried to put jeans on her, soft sweatpants were much more comfortable. When her mom called her by her name, she appeared to be deaf because she was unresponsive to voices or language. She avoided eye contact and would often be fixated on a single item or activity for a long period of time. She was very active and was constantly rocking or flapping her hands. She also would become aggressive. When something would upset her, she would suddenly explode, grabbing anything she could get... ... Andrew awakes. Ladies Home Journal (163-166) Neuwirth, S & Segal, J. Autism. Source: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). Retrieved March 14, 2002 from the World Wide Web: Autism.html Powers, M, Psy, D. Children with Autism a parent's guide. Bethesda, MD: Woodbine House Inc. 3-9, 294. 297-298. Smith, D. (1992). Special Education. very low incidence Disabilities: Autism, Deaf- Blindness & Traumatic Brain Injury. (Pg. 520-530, 553-557). Needhan Heights, MA Autism 10 What is Autism . (2001 June) . Colorado Department of Education Fast Facts. Retrieved March 12,2002 from the World Wide Web: www. Treatment and education of eutism and related communication handicapped children.Chapel Hill TEACCH information.Retrieved June 15, 2000 from the World Wide Web: http://Autism-

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Monogamy Versus Polygamy and Other Forms of Marriage

â€Å"I believe in monogamy if that is what a couple decides upon together, but it all depends on the personal history and culture of the two involved. † -K. D. Lang. The traditional family system–a lifelong alliance of a man and a woman–has in the past served as an institution for mobilizing the economic, moral, and emotional resources needed to raise children, (Bergmann, 1996). In many cases, marital satisfaction is influenced by the husband’s supportiveness, maternal employment and the age of the husband. However, â€Å"a 50 percent divorce rate in the USA makes a mockery of the beautiful brides’ pictures that appear in newspapers across this nation. It suggests that America's belief in a lifetime monogamous marriage has degenerated into the mere acceptance of serial matrimony† (Miller, 1989). Roget’s Thesaurus defines monogamy as â€Å"a kind of marriage. † In other words, there are other kinds, and perhaps one of these might suit us a little better (Preston, 2011). Monogamy is the only form a legal marriage in Western society. Monogamy can mean marriage to only one person for a lifetime or, as is more common today, marriage to one person at a time, aka â€Å"serial monogamy. † Monogamy is usually between opposite sex couples, though same-sex monogamy is becoming legal in some states and countries, (Libertine, 2008). â€Å"Society expects marriages to be both, but studies that have shown that ten percent of babies are fathered by men other than their legal fathers indicate that the two don’t always go hand in hand; that while social monogamy might be ubiquitous, biological monogamy is not†, (Libertine, 2008). Monogamy can mean marriage to only one person for a lifetime or, as is more common today, marriage to one person at a time, aka â€Å"serial monogamy,† (Libertine, 2008). Monogamy is usually between opposite sex couples, though same-sex monogamy is becoming legal in some states and countries (Libertine, 2008). Monogamous marriage defined as sexually exclusive, though we must distinguish between social monogamy and biological monogamy. The assumption is that this has been the one â€Å"right† way to be married since ancient times, until threatened by the sexual revolution starting in the 1960s. According to a report released by the Census Bureau in October 2006, legally married heterosexual monogamous marriages are no longer the majority of American households, though various forms of marriage-clone relationships continue to flourish. Many other more popular types of marriages do exist. Polygamy, also known, as polygyny is either man or a woman can have more than one spouse. Polyandry, although much less common this is when one woman has several husbands. It has occurred in Tibet, Mongolia, the Canadian Arctic, South America, Nepal, Bhutan, among other places. Polyandry is especially suited to populations that have more males than females, which is perhaps why it is less common than polygyny, because females outnumber males in most societies. In all marriages, there are obligations and duties that the couples agree upon once entering into marriage. Pinning down the No. 1 duty of a spouse can be a tough call, but there is evidence that honest communication is the most important role a married person can play (Herrington). A 2005 study examined the relationships among communication, sexual satisfaction, and marital satisfaction, demonstrated that communication and sexual satisfaction independently predict marital satisfaction, (Litzinger & Gordon, 2005). However, the findings go on to say, â€Å"if couples have difficulty communicating but are sexually satisfied, they will experience greater marital satisfaction than if they have a less satisfying sexual relationship. † Thus, sexual satisfaction may partially compensate for the negative effects of poor communication on marital satisfaction (Litzinger & Gordon, 2005). Herring also pointed out in her article the ever so important sharing of responsibilities. Studies revealed that when one partner feels family duties are shared equally, he is more likely to consider the marriage a happy one. This can prevent one spouse from feeling that he shoulders all of the burdens of life, which often leads to marital strife. Helping to absorb the stress of daily life helps couples feel their relationship is fair, and is an important obligation for married people (Herrington). Sharing responsibility is often connected to the sharing of financial responsibility. The role of economic forces in the development and operation of families, he suggests reasons why the development of nontraditional, non-nuclear families is congruent with economic laws, and why their development is to be expected, today and even predicted in the future (Westley, 1998). Well-known economist Gary Becker asserts â€Å"the primary motivating factor in human action is self-interest, an indisputable basis from which to begin†. Although most economists agree with this concept of human behavior as it relates to economics, Becker also understands how this same concept applies to marriages. People will marry when they think that they can achieve a greater degree of utility in that state than when single, and they divorce when they feel that they can achieve a greater degree of utility in that state than when married (Westley, 1998). The traditional family system has its advantages and disadvantages however, â€Å"whatever the character of society or state, polity or economy, religion or culture, parents cannot escape responsibility for the quality of their children as citizens† (Halsey, 1997).

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Courtly Love in Romeo and juliet Essay

How does Shakespeare show that Romeos cognize for Juliet is real? How do his rowing and actions differ from when he tell he baskd Rosaline? In Shakespeares work on Romeo and Juliet, the introduction of Romeo to the audition is haunted by a melancholic mood. The opinion is repose in Verona where Romeos family is worried round him due to his rejection in hunch forward from a woman, Rosaline. However through with(predicate)out the scenes studied, it seems that recognise is the unproblematic driving force behind to the highest degree of Romeos actions and speech communication. In general, the theme of cognise and the course of it intertwine with the fate of the hazardous peacefulness of this tragedy. His determined desolation from his family stirs anxiousness in his cousin, Benvolio. During the course of this tale, Romeo blooms to become a mature man, who has experienced the double lancinating blade of love itself.The characterisation of Romeo in the beginning of the p lay illustrates him as dis may and depressed boy due to his jam with Rosaline being rejected. In spite of this, his verbalize words of love for her, for example Alas, that Love, whose s screw is muffled still demonstrates the conventional style of love that this is. Romeos words get through how he sprouts baronial love poe fork over, which is machinated and processed. A modern example would be the show roses are red, violets are blue a common excogitate which is predictable and an subordinate imitation to real love. Courtly love poetry was often used in those days by men with cordial status to court woman the procedure behind this suit was to flaunt their skills. Would it be fair to say that Romeo courts for Rosalines love because it is the fashion of the season?In Romeos branch scene, Shakespeare litters the negotiation with negatives, as healthy as exaggerated words, such as sad hours seem long non having nearsightedOut of her privilege which displays the cloudy s h eitherowness of his love for Rosaline. Not single Romeos word can kindle this, further on the contrary, so do his actions. For example in Act 1 Scene 1, information is revealed to the audience of how Romeo has not yet met Rosaline, but still waffles on about the flawed imperfection of love. His soreness in real love may be obvious to the interpreter when he speaks numerous oxymorons.The speech about love starts O brawling love, O loving hate, O anything of nothing frontmost creates O heartbreaking coruscationness, serious vanityFeather of data track which illustrates the confused state that Romeo is in because of love. jumper cable to the heyday at which his inexperience and adolescent manner can be seen. The commission in which Shakespeare clutters Romeo speech with riddles may express at whether if Romeos love or love in general can actually be described as brawling and juxtaposed with hate? Shakespeare demonstrates how fickle Romeo really is in the beginning of th e play. As known, the words of love from Romeo to Rosaline are all courtly love poetry fake, clichd and illogical with misrepresented ideas of love.From his initial depression every(prenominal)place his rejection of Rosalines love, to which he claims an timeless existence of sadness, to his unseas unrivaledd professed to Juliet at the Capulet ball. His bootless change of his telephone receiver of affections hint that his frivolous nature is what defines him. However, his short mourning of Rosaline can suggest of his beat connection with his other half of his mind, Juliet. His halted flow of the eternity of sadness can altogether illustrate the strong connection among the two lovers. Love at initiative sight is a familiar phrase to describe how the two fell in love.Could Romeos initial fickleness in love demonstrate the vast communication channel when he meets Juliet? Romeo soon begins to existently take back in love with Juliet as hygienic as idolising her. His firs t meeting with Juliet at the Capulet ball starts to weave a entangled web of reality, love, fate and death. It is at this outcome that Romeo finally grasps/ extends the true notion of love. His latria and love for Juliet may seem whacky and much like his initial crunch for Rosaline at the beginning, however it is soon adjudge that her refusal speaks something differently to him.The intact appreciation of this radical confound feeling allows Romeo to continue his suit of Juliet with or wi metret her rebuff. His encounter with Juliet could be considered as a reality check, to which he discovers the discrepancys from his fixated crush on Rosaline to the arduous watcher he compares Juliet to. The unfamiliar sensation begins to openhandedens his prospect on love opening his eye to a fresh, passionate demesne. Shakespeare indicates the sincere affections of Romeo towards Juliet through their dialogue in the balcony scene, Act 2 Scene 2. Juliet soon teaches Romeo how to love mightily and from then Romeo flourishes to appreciate the true significance of love. A strong example of this is in the balcony scene, at which Romeo in his own menace tries to see Juliet. He sets the foundation of this scene when he begins to compare Juliet to all sorts of things of salient debaucher.He sees Juliet as light and calls her the insolate He claims that even the moon, the traditional at aegis for a womans kayo and purity, is envious of Juliet. This characterization is not scarcely dramatic. The use of these superlatives is meant to convey Romeos qabalistic feelings. When compared to his earlier characterization of Rosaline, Romeos tribute to Juliet takes on even more significance. The difference amongst what Romeo says of Rosaline and what he says in the still soft speech about Juliet emphasises his awe even more. His characterization of Rosaline commences with the traditional resemblance to Diana. Romeo acknowledges that Rosaline is rich in ravisher an d that her looker is defined in terms of her chastity.Its part of her appeal to Romeo. Romeo values Rosaline because she will not satisfy his desires therefore, he thinks of her beauty as lost to all posterity. However, when he describes Juliet and invokes the sun, he suggests something far more potent the eternal source of light and life-giving force of the heavens. Juliets beauty and warmth will live everlastingly and do not depend upon Romeos perceptions. She exists independently of Romeo, and when Romeo thinks of Juliet, he dwells on her and not on what she will do for him. Romeos voice communication demonstrates that although he was infatuated with Rosaline he has no mere crush on Juliet. He is deeply in love, and the reconditeness of his feelings demonstrates Romeos maturation. His speech is long and full of devotion, to which Juliet replies O Romeo, Romeo Wherefore art thou Romeo?(Oh Romeo, why do you have to be a Montague?). Her obvious fondness for her is displayed, al though at this point Romeo is still sprouting his courting words. In the middle of the dialogue, Juliet dares to interrupt Romeo on one of his ramblings as she is sorely forestall with Romeos pretence. As he blasphemes by the moon, Juliet responds by saying O swear not by the moon, thinconstant moon. That monthly changes in her circled orb, lest that thy love canvas likewise variable. Once Romeo is firmly mark in his place by Juliet by her professing that he speak without delay to her and not swear on something that disappears in the day and is ever-changing. In addition, when at first Romeo kisses Juliet at the Capulet ball, she accuses him of kissing by the al-Quran (kissing expertly), which is the Hallmark love that was shown in the beginning.Shakespeare illustrates to the audience that Romeo and Juliets love in genuine through the comparison between his love for Rosaline and then his love for Juliet. As pen by Shakespeare, Romeo proclaims to be in an eternity of sadness ( darkness), however, he soon meets Juliet who is his fair weather in his darkness. Even though Romeo had been rejected by Rosaline, he neer tried to court her again, as if his aspiration went down the drain. On the other gift with Juliet, Romeo tried again and again to try to win her favour, to the point where he risked lecture to her by sneaking into her garden. Although the language from Romeo in both scenes has been passionate, however a coercive example of their fated love is their first dialogue.In the Capulet ball, their first encounter and dialogue encompasses in total 14 lines, more commonly known as a sonnet. Sonnets were often written about love, and using a sonnet in this disposition shows how they are two halves of one soul fated to be with each other, for without one half the other in incomplete. The language used is potent in every sense, personifying Romeos words when he dialogue to Juliet. His determination to win Juliets favour demonstrates his true ardour f or her, whereas his lust for Rosaline odd him desolated and irresolute. All of these circumstanceors lead to the one point that Romeos love for Juliet is real compared to his jam with Rosaline in the beginning.In conclusion, a achievable theory as to why Shakespeare shows this contrast in love, could be to illustrate when after in the tragedy, their deaths (suicides) were not foolish but bred of unadulterated and unconditional love. To emphasise that they were unfeignedly intertwined with each other as to the fact that they could not be separated, til death do us part. Furthermore, it could also be said that Shakespeare showed this contrast to suggest that in this world there is a difference between lust and love, and the difference covers a broad horizon.Perhaps Shakespeare wanted the audience to comprehend how sweet love can process the most violent of outcomes and what is commonly read in poems or tales are fantastic and not a true lesson of what love is truly like. Maybe it was Shakespeares own way of providing the audience of a reality check, just as Juliet did with Romeo in the play. Many things could be silent from this play which interlocks countless themes of love, fate, death, time, individuality etc, all of which conveys the immense expanse of possible whys? as Shakespeare was trying to cover.